
My name is Jacob, and I'm a PhD student in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am part of the Tran Research Group and am advised by Dr. Huy T. Tran.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and climate change are posed to have unprecedented impacts on the world in coming years. My goals include developing AI systems for the betterment of humanity, and reducing the effects of climate change for the sake of future life on Earth.


I will achieve my goals by taking the following actions:

  1. Develop new capabilities in AI systems that allow them to solve valuable, real-world problems.

  2. Explore applications of AI to improve transportation systems, with the goal of accelerating technologies that have the capability to eliminate CO2 (and other greenhouse gas) emissions produced by our society.

  3. Explore applications of AI in the areas of renewable and sustainable energy, with the goal of accelerating these technologies to eliminate CO2 (and other greenhouse gas) emissions produced by our society.

Curriculum Vitate

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Recent News

August 2020

August 2019

  • Presented results of summer internship at Collins Aerospace. Results included a UAV platform and Aruco code-based landing-zone design for rapid development of vision-based landing algorithms.

August 2018

  • Started Master's program in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at UIUC with Professor Huy T. Tran as my advisor