
TWL Speaker Series

Ketian Zhang (George Mason University) "CHINA Town Hall -- China's Gambit: The Calculus of Coercion”, April 9, 2024.

Audrye Wong (University of Southern California) "Mobilizing patriotic consumers: China’s new strategy of economic coercion”, March 21, 2024.

Weining Ai (University of Oklahoma) "Issue Linkage, Costly Signal, and Bargaining Success: Evidence from U.S.-China Relations”, February 8, 2024.

Zongyuan Zoe Liu (Council on Foreign Relations) "Sovereign Funds: How the Communist Party of China Finances Its Global Ambitions”, January 22, 2024.

Sarah Bauerle Danzman (IU) ”Business Preference Formation and Policy Influence in an Age of Geoeconomic Competition,” November 15, 2023 

Hao Zhang (MIT) and In Song Kim (MIT), "The Political Origins of Rules of Origin,” October 20, 2023.

Raj Bhala (KU Law School),“Trade War: Causes, Conduct, and Consequences of Sino-American Confrontation,September 12, 2023.

Zhu Zhang (Fairfield University),“Cutting the Tail to Survive: Chinese Tech Companies’ Defense Tactics under the U.S. Economic Sanctions,May 2023.

Ka Zeng (University of Arkansas), "Toward the Decoupling of U.S.-China Economic Relations? The Trade War and the Changing Commercial Landscape in East Asia," March 2023.

Mark Dallas (Union College), "The Return of Geopolitics: Modular Interdependence, Emerging Technologies & US-China Relations," February 2023

David Steinberg (Johns Hopkins SAIS) and Daniel McDowell (Syracuse University), "Race, Representation, and the Legitimacy of International Organizations," December 2022.  

Colin Barry (University of Oklahoma), "From Entry through Exit: Firm Behavior Across the FDI Lifecycle," October 2022.

Yeling Tan (University of Oregon), "DISAGGREGATING CHINA, INC: State Strategies in the Liberal Economic Order," October 2022.  

Tanja Schweinberger (University of Geneva), "Mass public opinions towards trade balances: Mercantilism 2.0." July 2022. 

David Bulman (Johns Hopkins SAIS), "Are Americans Instinctive Commercial Peace Theorists? Interpreting Evolving Views of the US-China Trade War." March 2022. 

Bryan Early (SUNY Albany) and Keith Preble (SUNY Albany), “Branded: Enforcing Economic Sanctions by Tarnishing Corporate Reputations.” February 2022.  

Zhu Zhang (University of Oklahoma),“China’s New Socialized Capitalists.” January 2022.

Weiyi Shi (UC San Diego), Yang Liang (San Diego State), and Dora Hu (UC San Diego), "Surviving the U.S.-China Trade War? Evidence from Chinese Exporters," October 2021.  

Yuleng Zeng (University of Salzburg) and Timothy M. Peterson (Arizona State University), "Dual-Use Export Control and US Allies’ Sanctions-Busting Behavior," July 2021. 

Lindsay Dolan (Weslyan University), Robert Kubinec (NYU Abu Dhabi), and Daniel Nielson (UT Austin), "The Domestic Politics of Trade Wars: A Field Experiment on U.S. Firms," May 2021.  

Shannon Carcelli (University of Maryland) and Kee Hyun Park (University of Maryland), "Partisanship in the Trump Trade War: Evidence from County-level Crop Planting Data," March 2021.

Jieun Lee (University at Buffalo), "Foreign Lobbying Through Domestic Subsidiaries," November 2020. 

Samantha Vortherms (UC Irvine), "Assessing the Trade War’s Impact on Foreign Invested Enterprises in China," September 2020.

U.S. Multinational Firms in China and the Decoupling Debate

Dr. Zhang contributed an essay to the Carter Center's U.S.-China Perceptions Monitor on the response of American MNCs to the U.S.-China Trade War. 

The U.S.-China Trade War and the Tariff Weapon

Dr. Zhang contributed an essay on the efficacy of U.S. tariffs to a collection of essays on China and U.S. Policy for the Wilson China Fellowship 2021-2022

Wilson Center Asia Dispatches

Dr. Zhang and Jackson Martin wrote a policy briefing entitled "AUKUS needs economic multilateralism." for the Wilson Center's Asia Dispatches Blog. This article is based on research that Jackson conducted over summer 2021 through the Minerva DECUR Partnership.

CGTN Global Business: Is "decoupling" a reality or myth?

Dr. Zhang was interviewed by CGTN Global Business on his research with Dr. Samantha Vortherms on political risk and firm exit in the US-China Trade War.

Wilson Center Asia Dispatches

Dr. Zhang was invited to write a policy briefing entitled "Unstoppable Force Meets an Immovable Object: U.S.-China Supply Chains in the Age of Decoupling" for the Wilson Center's Asia Dispatches Blog. 

US Elections and the Future of the Trade War @UCI 

Dr. Zhang was invited to participate on a panel organized by the Long US-China Institute at UCI to discuss US-China Trade relations under a Biden administration. 


Dr. Zhang gave a presentation on "U.S.-China Trade War: An After Action Review" as the local town hall speaker for the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) CHINA Town Hall #CTH2020

Impact of the Trade War on Greater Kansas City Businesses

The TWL partnered with the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce to survey Greater KC businesses during the first half of 2020. Dr. Zhang presented the preliminary findings of this survey at Go Global KC. 

Interviewed on "[Issues & Insiders] Korea Celebrates 60th Trade Day" Arirang TV, Seoul, South Korea (December 2023)

Interviewed for "What will Joe Biden and Xi Jinping discuss at the APEC Summit?" NCUSCR (November 2023)

Interviewed for "China can't rely on Southeast Asian exports to offset a U.S. slowdown." CNBC (June 2023)

Interviewed on "[When Experts Attack] The blame-China game." KU News Service (April 2023) 

Interviewed for "Trade, tensions between US-China reaching new levels." The National Desk (February 2023) 

"American Multinationals in China adjust to Trade War risks, Study Finds." KU Today, Lawrence, KS February 2023)

"Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object: American Multinationals in China and the Decoupling Debate." U.S.-China Perception Monitor (January 2023) 

Interviewed on "[Issues & Insiders] U.S.-China Tensions and Tasks" Arirang TV, Seoul, South Korea (December 2022)

Interviewed for "US’ hard-line policy on China likely to hold whoever wins midterm elections, say analysts." South China Morning Post, Hong Kong (October 2022) 

"The U.S.-China Trade War and the Tariff Weapon." Wilson China Fellowship (June 2022

"Trump’s trade war with China failed. Why didn’t U.S. companies push back more?" The Washington Post's The Monkey Cage (February 2022)

"US consensus on China: The fine print." The Straits Times, Singapore (November 2021)

"[Sinica Podcast] Did tariffs make a difference in Trump's trade war?" by SupChina (October 2021)

"AUKUS needs economic multilateralism." Wilson Center Asia Dispatches (October 2021) 

"What US tariffs reveal about Biden's China trade policy." The Straits Times, Singapore (October 2021)

"Is "decoupling" a reality or myth?" CGTN Global Business, Beijing, China (September 2021)

"[Pekingology Podcast] Political Risk and Firm Exit." by Freeman Chair in China Studies at CSIS (September 2021)

"U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods didn’t bring companies back to the U.S., new research finds." The Washington Post's The Monkey Cage (September 2021)

"Unstoppable Force Meets an Immovable Object: U.S.-China Supply Chains in the Age of Decoupling." Wilson Center Asia Dispatches (August 2021). 

"How will China respond to the G7’s adoption of the anti-China Initiatives?" Arirang TV, Seoul, South Korea (June 2021)

"Center Announces 2021 Undergraduate Research Mentor Award Winners." KU Today (April 2021) 

"Jack Zhang Awarded 2021 WILSON CHINA FELLOWSHIP." KU Today (March 2021) 

"Biden's policy to continue pressuring China, what is S. Korea's stance?" Arirang TV, Seoul, South Korea (February 2021)

"Tough-on-China Joe? Why America’s Mistrust of Beijing Is Here To Stay." VICE World News (January 2021)

"What China's Expecting With A Biden Presidency." NPR Morning Edition (December 2020)

"U.S.-China Trade War: An After Action Review." UCI Long US-China Institute (November 2020)

"U.S.-China Trade War: An After Action Review." KU CEAS and NCUSCR, CHINA Town Hall (November 2020)

"Korea's future amid the heightening U.S.-China trade dispute." Arirang TV, Seoul, South Korea (September 2020)

"Mentor Spotlight: Jiakun Jack Zhang." Center for Undergraduate Research (September 2020)

"Impact of the Trade War on Greater Kansas City Businesses." Presentation at Go Global KC (August 2020) 

"Age of Coronavirus: The Politics of the Pandemic." Interview with KCPT's Flatland (April 2020)  

"The U.S. and China finally signed a trade agreement. Who won?" The Washington Post's The Monkey Cage (January 2020)

"Beyond the Brink: Escalation and Conflict in U.S.-China Economic Relations." Center for Strategic and International Studies (2019)

"Impact of the Trade War on the Chinese Economy." China Trends by Institut Montaigne (2019) 

"Chinese Perceptions of Trump's Trade Policy." European Council on Foreign Relations (2018)

"Why Republicans don’t push back on Trump’s China tariffs — in one map." The Washington Post's The Monkey Cage (2018)