Work experience

[December 2021] - [Present]

[INMOBILES HOLDING S.A.L |Beirut, Lebanon | Back End Developer]

- Handling several .Net applications in the telecommunications industry as back-end developer.

- Contributing and integrating Telecommunications software by building external projects with .Net technologies, such as Operators Services (EIR: Equipment Identity Register, Call Me Back, USSD and SMS services), Client web and mobile Apps.

[October 2018] - [December 2021]

[Al Majmoua (The Lebanese Association for Development) | , Beirut, Lebanon | Full Stack Developer]

- Handling several .Net applications in the big micro financial institution in Lebanon as full-stack developer.

· Handling Management Information System (MIS) roles by determining Al Majmouaa's information technology goals and implement applications to meet those goals

· I’ve gained a profound experience which made me gain many communication skills, teamwork, time management, critical thinking, and being able to handle the workload and many additional responsibilities effectively.

· Contributing and integrating Microfinance Institutions applications (MFI), by building internal and external projects with .Net technologies, such as Finance systems, ERP systems, Data entry systems, Disbursement systems, Payment microservices, Mobile Apps.

· Managed internal projects using Scrum methodology and agile methods.

· Contributed to building mobile apps by coordinating with external software companies and provide them with the APIs necessaries.

[2017] - [2018]

[Al Afak-Institute Nabatieh | Instructor]

· Teaching Microsoft office, data structure, and programming languages to BT and TS classes.



Computer Engineering - Master Degree - Le Cnam Liban

[2015-2018 ]

License Technique (LT) in Management Information System (MIS) major - Al Afak Institute


Online and physical workshops and courses :

Project management path – LinkedIn | Digital marketing path – LinkedIn | Data Science in Python | Programming languages | Design patterns | Soft skills | Photoshop | Cisco CCNA.


♦Third in Lebanon | 2017 - 2018

LT (License Technique), in al Afak-institute Nabatieh | Grade achieved: 15.6/20.

♦Third in Lebanon | 2016 - 2017

TS (Senior Technician), in al Afak-institute Nabatieh | Grade achieved: 15.2/20.


♦Arabic: Mother tongue.

♦English: Independent user.

♦French: Basic user.

Spanish: Basic user.