.Net applications

October 2018 – CURRENT

During the time I’ve worked in Corporate :

• Services: EIR: Equipment Identity Register, Call Me Back, USSD and SMS services (Operators).

• Client web and mobile apps (external projects).

• Data Entry systems (internal and external projects).

• Payment microservices (external projects).

• APIs for mobile apps (internal and external projects).

• Disbursement system (internal projects).

• ERP systems (internal and external projects).

• MicroFinance platform (internal project).

• MIS tools (internal projects).

January 2016 – CURRENT

Freelance projects :

Many web, desktop, mobile applications for freelance projects:

• Travel agency management web app.

• SoundCloud clone web app.

• Travel buddy mobile app.

• Cell store management desktop app.

• ECE stainless steel factory desktop app.

• School administration desktop app.

• Learning online web app

• School online platform: Live stream, scheduling sessions, managing resources and students schedules.

LT graduation project | Learning online website​​

the scope of this project is to build real-world responsive websites to improve and develop web designing skills using (HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, bootstrap) and it won the highest grade in Lebanon.

TS graduation project | ECE stainless steel factory software

the scope of this project is to build a windows application formed of a set of form applications and reports using (VB.net and Microsoft Access).

Online courses web design projects and mini-games

the scope of these 6 projects is to build real-world responsive websites and mini-games to improve and develop web designing skills.

The projects features: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (JQuery - React Librairies), Bootstrap 4 Framework, PHP.

All sites and mini-games are based on online courses and not published yet.

  • Small sites:

    • travel agency site

    • food delivery site

  • web applications:

    • Finance web app that calculates the budget for a month (Incomes - Expenses)

  • mini games:

    • tennis game.

    • multiplayer dice.

    • Interactive tic-tac-toe game with React

Mobile Applications

Android applications using Java