Keynote speakers

Andrey S. Klymchenko

Head of the group Nanochemistry and bioimaging at University of Strasbourg, which he created in 2015. 

His current research focuses on new chemical tools for biology, including fluorescent probes and nanoparticles for bioimaging and ultra-sensitive detection biomarkers. 

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Klymchenko lab website

Ulrike Endesfelder

The Endesfelder group at Bonn University focuses on the application of techniques from the emerging field of single-molecule imaging and super-resolution microscopy to study cellular biophysics.

By combining physical concepts of imaging, photo-manipulation of fluorophores and quantitative read-out analyses, we aim at a single-molecule description of cellular structures and processes.

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Vittore Scolari

Researcher at Institut Curie in Paris France focusing on investigating genome functions in space and time. 

In this context he investigates mechanistic models of:

While making first-principle models as a physicist is his core activity, he also has advanced experience in analyzing both sequencing and imaging data. 


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