Venue and local info

Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación (FaMAF)

Address: Medina Allende, Ciudad Universitaria, X5000HUA Córdoba, Argentina

Room: Aula Magna

How to reach Córdoba from Buenos Aires.

  • Airplanes departe daily from Jorge Newbery airport (Buenos Aires) to Aeropuerto Ing. Aeronáutico Ambrosio Taravella (Córdoba). See the website of Aerolineas Argetinas
  • Buses departe daily from Retiro station (Buenos Aires) to Córdoba station (duration: approximately 10 hs). You can buy the bus tickets online in the website

How to reach Córdoba City from Córdoba Airport.

How to reach FAMAF from Córdoba City.

  • Public buses to "Pabellon Argentina (Ciudad Universitaria)". You can check the line number of the bus in this website: You need to buy the card "Red Bus" to use the public buses.
  • Taxis