Axioms Award

We are pleased to announce the opening of a competition for "Best Presentations Award", sponsored by the journal Axioms. The awards consist in:

  • 1st prize: 200 Swiss Francs + a certificate
  • 2nd prize: 100 Swiss Francs + a certficate
  • 3rd prize: a a certificate

Candidates’ requirements:

  • To present a research work (poster or talk) in the IXCQF
  • To be a young researcher (under 35 years old), a postdoc, a phd student or a student.

If you are interested, please, contact us by sending a message to the following email address:

The Evaluation Committee formed by Dr. F. Holik, Dr. G. Bosyk, Dr. S. Fortin and Dr. A. Majtey awarded to:

  • 1st prize: Daniel Gutierrez Ruiz (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, Mexico)
  • 2nd prize: Eloisa Cuestas (FaMAF-UNC and IFEG- CONICET, Argentina)
  • 3rd prize: Juan A. Cañas Palomeque (Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, Mexico)
1st prize: D. Gutierrez Ruiz

1st prize: D. Gutierrez Ruiz

2nd prize: E. Cuestas

3rd prize: J. Cañas Palomeque