Call for papers

Call for Papers

13th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS)

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

23-27th May 2019

Important dates:

- Submission deadline (long, short, and student papers): 15th January, 2019. Abstract by 15th January. Full version by 22nd January.

Please submit at least an abstract by 15 January so that we can procede with paper bidding and reviewer assignment. Submit the full version of your paper by 22nd January. Please also note that the first submission must be made by 15 January and completely new submissions will not be possible after this date.

- Notification of acceptance: 1st March 2019

- Camera-ready due: 1st April 2019

All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 ("anywhere on Earth").

IWCS is the bi-yearly meeting of SIGSEM, the ACL special interest group on semantics [2]; this year's edition is hosted by the Centre of Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability (CLASP), at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science (FLoV), and will be held at the Wallenberg Conference Centre of University of Gothenburg .

The aim of the IWCS conference is to bring together researchers interested in any aspects of the computation, annotation, extraction, and representation of meaning in natural language, whether from a lexical or structural semantic perspective. IWCS embraces both symbolic and machine learning approaches to computational semantics, and everything in between. The main conference will be run from 25-27 May 2019, preceded by workshops on 23-24 May.

Submission Deadline

Authors must submit by 15th January; however, we will allow resubmission of updated versions until 18th January. Please submit at least a sufficient abstract to allow sensible reviewer assignment by the 15th. See Instructions for Authors for full instructions.

Topics of interest

The areas of interest for the conference include all computational aspects of meaning of natural language within written, spoken, or multimodal communication. Papers are invited on topics in these and closely related areas, including the following:

* representation of meaning

* syntax-semantics interface

* representing and resolving semantic ambiguity

* shallow and deep semantic processing and reasoning

* hybrid symbolic and statistical approaches to representing semantics

* alternative approaches to compositional semantics

* inference methods for computational semantics

* recognising textual entailment

* learning by reading

* methodologies and practices for semantic annotation

* machine learning of semantic structures

* statistical semantics

* computational aspects of lexical semantics

* semantics and ontologies

* semantic web and natural language processing

* semantic aspects of language generation

* semantic relations in discourse and dialogue

* semantics and pragmatics of dialogue acts

* multimodal and grounded approaches to computing meaning

* semantics-pragmatics interface


Submission Requirements

Three types of submission are solicited: long papers, student papers and short papers. All types of papers should be submitted not later than 15th January, 2019.

Long papers should describe original research and must not exceed 10 pages plus references. They will be published in the conference proceedings and in the ACL Anthology, and will have a full oral presentation at the conference.

Student papers should describe original research but the first author must be a student or at least 2/3 of the work on a paper should be completed by students. Papers should not exceed 8 pages plus references. In contrast to long papers, the reviewers will give special support to authors in terms of mentoring and guidance. The papers will have a full oral presentation at the conference in a special student session and will be published in the conference proceedings and in the ACL Anthology.

Short papers (typically system or project descriptions, or ongoing research) must not exceed 5 pages plus references. They will be published in the conference proceedings and in the ACL Anthology, and will have a lightning talk at the conference, followed by a poster/demo session for discussion.

Papers should be electronically submitted in PDF format via the EasyChair system at Please make sure that you select the right track when submitting your paper. Contact the organisers if you have problems using EasyChair.

Please follow the information for authors for instructions on formatting your paper, given on the conference webpage

Programme co-chairs

Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, University of Gothenburg

Simon Dobnik, University of Gothenburg

Vera Demberg, Saarland University

Program Committee

Jean-Philippe Bernardy

Carl Vogel

Martin Riedl

Sandro Pezzelle

Vera Demberg

Lasha Abzianidze

Maxime Amblard

Moritz Maria

Martha Lewis

Justyna Grudzinska

Gianluca Lebani

Richard Moot

Simon Dobnik

Christian Retoré

Alessandro Lenci

Marco S. G. Senaldi

Giulia Rambelli

Sebastian Pado

Ludovica Pannitto

Jonathan Ginzburg

Ivan Vulić

Shalom Lappin

Katrin Erk

Alessandro Bondielli

James Pustejovsky

Ruth Kempson

Elisabetta Jezek

Johan Bos

Raffaella Bernardi

Louise McNally

Lucia C. Passaro

Harry Bunt

Philipp Cimiano

Aurelie Herbelot

Bonnie Webber

Julian Hough

Eleni Gregoromichelaki

Emily M. Bender

Zhaohui Luo

Roberto Zamparelli

Lauri Karttunen

Matthew Purver

Staffan Larsson

Sabine Schulte Im Walde

Robin Cooper

Devdatt Dubhashi

Arash Eshghi

Rasmus Blanck

Christine Howes

Aljoscha Burchardt

Stephen Mcgregor

Ivandre Paraboni

Stephen Clark

Gabriella Lapesa

Bruno Mery

Christopher Potts

Matthew Stone

Richard Johansson

Paul Piwek

Iryna Gurevych

Matthew Gotham

Kiyong Lee

Manfred Pinkal

Raquel Fernández

Mehdi Mirzapour

Krasimir Angelov

Nicoletta Calzolari

Gemma Boleda

Manfred Stede

Kees Van Deemter

Laura Aina

Alexandre Kabbach

Emmanuele Chersoni

Allan Ramsay

Sharid Loáiciga

Tatjana Scheffler

Diarmuid O Seaghdha

Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh

Lars Borin

Stephen Pulman

Allan Third

Alessandro Raganato

Philippe de Groote

Alessandro Moschitti

Asad Sayeed

Aleksandre Maskharashvili

Gözde Gül Şahin

Maria Liakata

Massimo Poesio

Aarne Ranta

Sylvain Pogodalla

Eva Maria Vecchi

Ellen Breitholtz

Mathieu Lafourcade

Larry Moss

Roland Roller

Dag Haug
