
IWCIA 2018 Proceedings have been published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Vol. 11255


All submissions are now closed.

Paper submission is now closed. Prospective authors are invited to submit short communications on some of the Workshop's topics or a closely related topic. The submitted communications may be work in progress or describing an idea.

All manuscripts must be prepared according to LNCS requirements and submitted electronically by October 20, 2018 in PDF format. The length should be between 2 and 4 pages. The notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail by October 31, 2018.

The accepted short communications will be published electronically and made available during the Workshop. After the conference, the authors will have the possibility to submit a full version to special journal issue devoted to the Workshop.

The registration fee for short communication authors is reduced to 300 €.

Submissions can be sent through this link.


Prospective authors are invited to submit a paper on some of the Workshop's topics or a closely related topic. The submitted work should contain only results that are unpublished and not included in other work considered for publication elsewhere. Thus by submitting a paper the author(s) warrant that neither it nor any other paper with essentially the same technical content has been published or submitted for publication anywhere else.

All manuscripts must be prepared according to LNCS requirements and submitted electronically by June 1, 2018 in PDF format. The length should be between 8 and 14 pages. The manuscripts may not contain information revealing authors' identity.

Papers will be reviewed thoroughly with an emphasis on potential to contribute to the state-of-the-art in the field. Each paper will receive at least two double-blind reviews ensuring maximal objectiveness. Selection criteria will include mathematical depth, accuracy and originality of the ideas, clarity and significance of the results, and presentation quality.

The notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail by July 20, 2018. The accepted papers should be revised according to the referees' comments and submitted in camera-ready form by August 15, 2018 together with all the source files and the signed copyright form. The final version should be prepared strictly following LNCS requirements.

The accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings published by Springer Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series.

Please read the instructions below how to submit your accepted paper. Submissions can be sent through this link.

A paper will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author registers by August 15, 2018 and pays the registration fee. This author takes the obligation to attend the workshop and present the paper.

Instructions for Camera-Ready Paper Submission

Please read carefully the steps below and follow them.

  1. Address all reviewer's remarks in the final version of your paper. Make ALL required corrections.
  2. If the reviewer has indicated that your paper needs language improvement, ask a native English speaker for help.
  3. Write a note - response to reviewers' comments and how you addressed them.
  4. Follow strictly LNCS requirements. Do not change the spacing between the rows or the font size to make your paper shorter.
  5. Pay special attention on the format of the references. The citations are by number only. The references are also ordered by number only in alphabetic order. In Latex use style splncs03.bst.
  6. Use USA spelling.
  7. Name the .tex file according to its ID in the conference management system. For example, if your paper is

70 A novel method for geometric modeling

call your files paper70.tex, paper70.pdf, figure1.eps, figure2.eps,, etc. Include all other specific files that you use in your paper, as well. These may be, for example, epsfig.sty, graphics.sty, etc. Make a zip file called

8. Print the copyright form from here, fill it up, sign it, scan it and save it under the ID of your paper, for example copyright70.jpg. The name of the volume is International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis.

9. Prepare an entry for the proceedings index and running head for each author name. It should be a simple text file as explained below.

If the paper A novel method for geometric modeling has authors

Jose Agustin Castiglia de Arrieta, John A. Smith Jr., and Lu Yi Zhang

it should be clear which of the authors' names are first names and which are last names (surnames). If the authors of the paper have more than one last name, we should know under which last name the author wishes to be listed in the author index.

Note that the names appear as last name(s), first name(s) in the author index and as initials last name(s), in the running heads.

We would like you to prepare the following text for your paper and save it in a file index70.txt:


\index{Castiglia de Arrieta, Jose Agustin}

\index{Smith Jr., John A.}

\index{Zhang, Lu Yi}


\authorrunning{J.A. Castiglia de Arrieta \and

J.A. Smith Jr. \and

L.Y. Zhang}

Do not forget to put these names in the running heads section of your tex file. Put a short title for the running heads section in \titlerunning{}, as well.

10. If an author has more than one accepted paper, his/her name should be written in both papers in the same way.

11. Send the paper zip file (i.e.,, the index file (i.e., index70.txt), and the copyright form (i.e., copyright70.jpg) in attachment to In the subject write "Camera-ready paper 70". In the body of the message indicate the person who will present the paper.

12. If you do not receive an acknowledgment from us within two days, upload the files on your web site or Google-docs and send us a link to them, instead of attaching the files to the message.

13. The registration is done through the Registration Page of the web site.

14. If you need a visa letter, please read the instructions for visa letter on the Registration Page, download the sample letter, fill it up and send it to us.

15. Deadline for registration for authors: August 15, 2018.

16. Deadline for sending the camera-ready papers for authors: August 15, 2018.