
New Sample DIY Retirement Withdrawal Strategy Revised 2024.xlsx

Updated Sample DIY RWS Spreadsheet

Episode 163 shared updated 2024 version. Episode 165 went into some of the flaws compared to NewRetirement. 

New Sample Portfolio by Buckets with Sort By Maturity.xlsx

A version with Sort by Maturity tab added

Episode 143 introduced a new feature that I'm using in Numbers to use Categories to get a view of Treasuries sorted by maturity.  I can't vouch for how well it translates to Sheets or Excel, but the Datevalue and Right functions work.

New Sample Portfolio by Buckets

New Sample  Portfolio by Buckets Spreadsheet

Episode 92 introduced this new improved tool; Also, I used my spreadsheet to share 2023 Results in Episode 138.

Medicare-medigap for 2024 shopping to update.xlsx

Medigap N vs G updated

I have not checked to see if all the Numbers formula transferred well, but uploaded this after my 2023 update in Episode 132.

Updated I-Bond Spreadsheet to Share.xlsx

New Version of I-Bond Spreadsheet

Episode 124 will review this updated spreadsheet.

New Sample DIY Retirement Withdrawal Strategy Revised 051523.xlsx

New Sample DIY RWS Spreadsheet

Episode 108 will review this updated spreadsheet.

Portfolio Asset Allocation Sample Converted to Excel.xlsx

Episode 90

Moving a copy of original Porfolio by Buckets spreadsheet here. But see the New Sample for an improved version above.

I BOND CALCULATIONS with Secret Formula.xlsx

Episode 63 and 64

I Bond Calculations


Episode 86

ACA Estimator


Episode 61 

CPI Detailed Food at Home Chart

Buy in May I Bonds v CDs.xlsx

Episode 60

Comparing May I Bond to Bank CD

Historical Composite Rates for I Bonds.xlsx

Episode 57

Historical I Bond Rates


Episode 56

Earn Free Interest with I Bonds

Comparing Max and Minnie Savers Episode 1.xlsx

Comparing Minnie and Max Savers Numbers converted Excel version

Episode 1

Sheets Copy of SSChoices626770

Google Sheets Copy of SSChoices 626770 version

Episode 3


SSChoices626770 Numbers converted Excel verison

Episode 3

TaxingissuesEpisodes 35 and 36.xlsx

TaxingIssues Converted to Excel

Episodes 35 and 36

Portfolio by Buckets 

Episodes 11, 12, 13

But see New Sample at the top of this page!

RWS Sample Converted to Excel 110721.xlsx

D.I.Y. RWS in Excel

Episode 37

Comparing AUM to TDF to DIY.xlsx

Comparing AUM fees

Episodes 20  and 45

personalcpi Sample to Share.xlsx

Personal CPI Sample w Budget 2022

Episode 54

Note: I'll appreciate any feedback to make sure complex formulas that I created in Numbers have translated right to Excel with the Portfolio by Buckets and the D.I.Y. RWS speadsheets (which I hope to post in coming week).  I also updated the Quicken "values" from the April 15, 2021 Sample data.  The new numbers don't necessarily represent reality, just a change in numbers to see if formulas work.