Infertility can cause a lot of stress for a number of married couples who are dreaming of starting their own families. Difficulty conceiving, however, is not uncommon nowadays as this phenomenon is alarmingly becoming more and more widespread across the world.

Fertility experts have defined certain factors directly affecting the fertility of men and women alike. Some of these may be dominant in one region than in others. For instance, a consanguineous marriage spanning several generations in the Middle Eastern countries such as the UAE and Oman is seen to contribute to both fertility and birth defect issues.

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Apart from consanguinity, obesity, vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sun exposure, varicocele in men, low ovarian reserve, and reproductive conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and fibroids in women are found to be among the causes of infertility as well. There is also the question of unhealthy lifestyle and advanced age.

Fibroids, or benign tumors of the uterus, are one of the most common conditions affecting women of childbearing age. According to Dr. Barbara Lawrenz, IVF Consultant at IVI Fertility Clinic – Abu Dhabi, uterine fibroids are related to genetic factors, therefore the risk is higher for a woman who has relatives diagnosed with the condition.

“Some hormonal treatments are available to control the growth of the fibroids and an ultrasound is helpful to help plan a possible surgery or further control their growth if necessary,” Dr. Barbara said.

Fibroids normally do not pose any problems especially if they are small that can be ignored. But issues arise based on their types and position on the uterus. Dr. Barabara cited submucosal fibroids, which grow and bulge into the uterine cavity, as a type that increases the risk of infertility or even pregnancy loss.

Additionally, fibroids may lead to complications during pregnancy and delivery, including fetal growth restriction, placental abruption, pre-term delivery, and breech position. According to Dr. Barbara, in some cases, they may cause abnormal positioning of the baby; early contractions; or even miscarriage.

A number of modern technologies and procedures are now available to ease fears and uncertainties of married people who are having difficulty conceiving. And such latest technology is available at IVI Fertility.

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