Certain Uterine Fibroids May Impact Your Ability to Conceive

Painful and heavy periods, bloating and constipation are common indicators of women with uterine fibroids. However, in the Oman many young women ignore these symptoms because of misconceptions that such fibroids only affect older women. According to Dr. Francisco Ruiz, Medical Director of Top Fertility Clinic in Muscat, IVI Middle East Fertility Clinic, uterine fibroids can affect any woman in the reproductive age group, as their growth is dependent on the production of oestrogen and progesterone – hormones that maintain and regulate the female reproductive system.

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It is noted that 30-50 percent of women of childbearing age suffer from uterine fibroids that need them to seek fertility treatments. In Oman, greater number of women are developing fibroids due to genetic factors or as most of them are choosing to start a family later in life that causes fertility issues.

If a fibroid is submucosal or larger than six cm in diameter, then it may impede conception and one might need to seek fertility treatments. “If a woman has fibroids and she is trying to get pregnant, it is always recommended consulting a doctor and checking the location of the fibroid to know whether it will prevent conception or cause complications in pregnancy,” said infertility treatments expert in Muscat, Dr. Francisco Ruiz, Medical Director of IVI Middle East Fertility.

“Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths that consist of muscle cells and fibrous tissues that form a mass within the uterus. These fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) growths and can be found in or around the uterus. Though they are common, they vary in size and number, there are also multiple types of uterine fibroids, each characterised based on location and some may cause infertility,” said top IVF doctor in Muscat, Dr. Francisco Ruiz. While women with fibroids can conceive but a percentage of women do face interference with conception, pregnancy or birth. Amongst infertility treatments available for uterine fibroids, most commonly used is myomectomy.

“Depending on where a fibroid is growing and its size, it is possible for a fibroid to prevent or interfere with conception. In some cases, submucosal fibroids and intramural fibroids may lead to implantation failure, miscarriage or pre-term delivery. Fibroids are not usually treated during pregnancy, unless there is a serious health concern such as excessive bleeding or chronic pain. Fibroids that are not causing uncomfortable or painful symptoms are usually left alone and monitored,” added, Dr. Francisco Ruiz who encounters almost 1 in 9 patients with this condition.

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