Research project:

Innovation, territory and development: the role of Science and Technology Parks in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)


Project leader:

Iván G. Peyré Tartaruga

Principal institution:

FEE – Fundação de Economia e Estatística Siegfried Emanuel Heuser - Brazil

Call identification:

Support scientific, technological and innovation research projects in the field of Applied Human, Social and Social Sciences


Chamada MCTI/CNPQ/MEC/CAPES N. 22/2014 (Brazil)

Funder institution:

Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)


In recent decades, there has been an important debate about changes in economic activities in general, in which present new phenomena and accelerated transformation related to science, technology and technological innovations. These phenomena accomplish a crucial role in economic and social development processes, or failure, of regions and countries. This is the debate that this research project intends to address, based on a framework of analysis originated from geographical science, specifically from Economic Geography, emphasizing the spatial dimension of economic phenomena (location, proximity, urban spaces, distribution, etc.). In this context, one of the tools for innovation policies in many parts of the world have been the experiences of science and technology parks (STPs). The main objective of this project is to point out the features and capabilities of STPs in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), towards a territorial development based on innovations. Related to this, we intend to examine further the importance of the territorial dimension to the experiences of regional development in general and especially for those related to innovation processes from two angles. On the one hand, is to check the relevance of geographical proximity between social and economic agents involved, directly and indirectly, in the STPs; this regard, we analyse the interdependencies with other types of proximity (cognitive, organizational, social and institutional). On the other, the analysis of the role of urban agglomerations (cities and metropolis) to promote innovation and its relationship with the STPs. Methodologically, the research will use of various techniques for collecting qualitative and quantitative data about STPs — observation, documental collection and interviews. Also, we will use geotechnologies, and techniques of representation (visualization) and spatial analysis to interpret and examine these parks. The main contributions of this proposal are the knowledge generated about the topics investigated in two directions. At first, the research will, of course, deeper insights about the development of scientific, technological and innovation activities in the territory of RS. In the second, more practical nature, it is believed that the research results might influence or assist formulators of public or public and/or private managers (research institutes, universities, companies), that operate with this issue, in improving the production of S&T and innovation in our society. In that same meaning, one can assume to obtain results that point to improved tripod science-technology-innovation. With the release of these results will be possible to move forward on improving the character of state intervention in favour of the stimulus to public policies that boost the production of innovations to face many social and economic problems that afflict the society.

Keywords: Innovation, Territory, Science and technology parks, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).