Postřehy o softwarovém inženýrství

Postřehy o softwarovém inženýrství

Remarks on Software Engineering

PSI 1/94 (česky, ZIPped windows help 209KB)

RSE 1/94 (english, ZIPped windows help 204KB)

RSE 2/94 (english, ZIPped windows help 653KB)

RSE 1/95 (english, ZIPped windows help 163KB)

RSE 1/96 (english, ZIPped windows help 387KB)

RSE 1/96 (english, HTML)

Postřehy o softwarovém inženýrství jsem vydal společně s Lízou Prylovou a Pavlem Bočkem.

Remarks on Software Engineering have been published in common effort of Líza Prylová, of Pavel Boček, and of mine.

Illustration on this page is taken from RSE 1/94 and is a work of Pavel Boček.

Postřehy o softwarovém inženýrství 1/94


(ZIPped windows help 209KB)

Kdo? Proč? Co?

(o cílích Postřehů a o pohnutkách, které vedly k jejich vzniku)

Podmínky rozmnožování, šíření a jiného užití tohoto sborníku

(chcete si zajistit další Postřehy o softwarovém inženýrství? - zaregistrujte se)

Soutěž o nejlepší ikonu

(nelíbí se vám ikona Postřehů o softwarovém inženýrství? - nakreslete lepší!)

Síla měkkoty tkví v odstupňovávatelnosti

(recenze tří front-endových nástrojů PowerBuilder, PowerMaker, PowerViewer)

I malý Kašpárek dokáže hrát velké divadlo

(metodicky správný postup analýzy úlohy nemusí být výsadou drahých systémů CASE)

Strukturovaný design a implementace v databázi Clarion

(podivuhodná DOSovská databáze, která podporuje strukturovaný design)

Ženy - víno - zpěv na CeBITu'94

(reportáž v poločase mezi minulým a příštím CeBITem)

Postřehy o softwarovém inženýrství. Vydal kolektiv autorů: Líza Prylová, Pavel Boček a Ivan Ryant. Praha, září 1994.

Remarks On Software Engineering 1/94


(ZIPped windows help 204KB)

Who? Why? What?

(about aims of Remarks and about reasons, that caused rise of the almanac)

Conditions of copying, distributing and using this almanac

(do You wish to get next issue of Remarks On Software Engineering? - reward the authors and send Your registration)

Contest of the best icon

(don't you like the icon of Remarks on software engineering? - draw a better one!)

Power of PowerBuilder is Based on Scalability

(review on three front-end tools PowerBuilder, PowerMaker, PowerViewer)

Even a Little Key May Open a Great Lock

(methodicaly correct procedure of task analysis needn't be a privilege of the expensive CASE systems)

Structured Design and Implementation in the Clarion Database

(an amazing DOS database which supports structured design)

Just to Remember CeBIT'94

(a report in half-time between the past and the next CeBIT)

Remarks on Software Engineering. Published by a team of authors: Líza Prylová, Pavel Boček and Ivan Ryant. Prague, September 1994.

Remarks On Software Engineering 2/94


(ZIPped windows help 653KB)

Stop growing, RSE!

(RSE 1/95 is released just now)

Conditions of copying, distributing and using this almanac

(do You wish to get next issue of Remarks On Software Engineering? - send Your registration)

Autumn94 in Frankfurt: Object World Germany

(report on the exhibition and conference: object request brokers, whats new in methodology and other topics)

ObjectiF The OO CASE System

(review and case-study: not very large CASE system intended to generate C++ in its next version)

CORBA Architecture and Specification

(review on the fundamental OMG standard)

Jacobson's OOSE - Use-Case Driven Approach

(review on the book on Object Oriented Software Engineering)

Remarks on Software Engineering. Published by Ivan Ryant. Prague, February 1995.

Remarks On Software Engineering 1/95


(ZIPped windows help 163KB)

What's New?

(about readers community of Remarks)

Conditions of Copying, Distributing and Using This Almanac

(do You wish to get next issue of Remarks On Software Engineering? - send Your registration)

AmiPro: a CASE System Below 10kKč

(a series on simple CASE tools continues)

Designing Programs in WinBase602

(design of well-known task in another implementation environment)

Remarks on Software Engineering. Published by Ivan Ryant. Prague, February 1995.

Remarks On Software Engineering 1/96


(ZIPped windows help 387KB)


(RSE available in WWW)

Conditions of Copying, Distributing and Using This Almanac

(Do You wish to get next issue of Remarks On Software Engineering? - send Your registration)

CeBIT is coming

(What OO development tools are expected at CeBIT 96)

OOSE applied to GAIA Traders

(Case study)

Rumbaugh et al.: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design

(review on the book)

Last Object World in Frankfurt

(compiled material provided by OMG)

Next Object World in Frankfurt - October 1996

(compiled material provided by OMG)

Remarks on Software Engineering. Published by Ivan Ryant and Pavel Bocek. Prague, February 1996.

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