Author Instructions

Submission Types

We invite submissions on cutting-edge research on the design, application, and evaluation of IVAs, as well as basic research on social perception, dialog modeling, and social behavior planning. We also welcome submissions on central theoretical issues, uses of virtual agents in psychological research and showcases of working applications. For a longer list of topics see the IVA 2021 website. Special theme topics include but are not limited to: experiments and methodological issues with Socially Interactive Agents (SIA) and HRI research when interaction is restricted (such as during Covid-19), IVAs for behavior change, IVAs for social inclusion/feelings of loneliness, mental helper IVAs, IVA’s for deliberation and information understanding, Cognitive aid IVA’s, and IVA aided education (remote) education. IVA 2021 offers three submission tracks. All accepted submission will be reviewed and included in the proceedings.

  • Full papers (7 pages, excluding 1 optional extra page for references only). Full papers should present significant, novel and substantial work of high quality that needs proceedings space to explain and replicate the work.

  • Extended Abstracts (2 pages, excluding 1 optional extra page for references only). Extended abstracts should either discuss the relevance for IVA of recently published important work by the authors, or early results, or standard studies and approaches that do not need significant proceedings space to explain and replicate.

  • Demos (2 pages, excluding 1 optional extra page for references only, a hyperlink to a video of the demo must be present in the pdf). Demo abstracts focus on demo-ability and application of an implemented system. Each demo should be accompanied by one demo submission.

  • Late Breaking Reports (2pages, excluding 1 potional extra page for references only). LBR should present latest results, new ideas, or preliminary research that would benefit from discussion at the conference.

All submission types (full papers, extended abstracts and demo submissions) will be double-blind peer-reviewed by the expert reviewer committee. Accepted submissions will be published in the IVA ACM proceedings, and all accepted papers must be presented at the conference. For each accepted contribution at least one of the authors must register for the conference. The presentation type will be either a poster or talk format depending on what is the most appropriate format for the paper. The authors can themselves choose a preferred presentation type but the final decision will be made by the program chairs. All posters have to be pitched during a plenary poster booster session (poster madness).

Paper Format

Paper submissions should be anonymous and prepared in the “ACM Standard” format, more specifically the “SigConf” format.

If your contribution is a demo, you must include a link to a video that gives an impression or explanation of your demo.

If your contribution is an extended abstract or full paper you may include a link to a video if you want.

Submission Site