Journal Papers
Handy Prayogo, Yang, I-Tung, and Cheng, Min-Yuan. (2024/11). "Dynamic Gradient Boosted Metaheuristic Approach for Efficient Reinforced Concrete Structure Optimization." Journal of Building Engineering, 97, 110864. DOI: (SCI,EI)
Ting-Yu Hsu, Meng-Chen Lu, Yang, I-Tung, Chul-Woo Kim, and Kai-Chun Chang (2024/03). "Damage detection of truss bridge elements using an enhanced pseudo-local flexibility method." Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 14, 615–634. DOI: (SCI, EI)
Handy Prayogo, Yang, I-Tung, and Liao, Kuo-Wei. (2023/10). "Efficient Estimation of Structural Failure Probability with Adaptive Kriging and Multi-Layered Hyperball-Based Importance Sampling." Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2023.2274076 (SCI,EI)
Alvin, N. and Yang, I-Tung. (2023/10). "Multi-resource Allocation and Leveling in Multi-project scheduling Problem with Hybrid-chromosome Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II." Dimensi Utama Teknik Sipil, 10(2), 232-251.
Yang, I-Tung and Handy Prayogo. (2022/11). "Adaptive Hyperball Kriging Method for Efficient Reliability Analysis." Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 36, E34, DOI:10.1017/S0890060422000208 (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung and Handy Prayogo. (2022/04). "Efficient Reliability Analysis of Structures Using Symbiotic Organisms Search-Based Active Learning Support Vector Machine" Buildings, 12, no. 4: 455. (SCI, EI)
Hodianto, V. A., and Yang, I-Tung. (2022/04). "Multi-mode Resource Constrained Multi-project Scheduling Problem Optimization with Symbiotic Organisms Search." Dimensi Utama Teknik Sipil, 9(1), 77-96.
Sugianto, A. and Yang, I-Tung. (2022/04). "Bi-objective Optimization for Rebar Cutting Plan Using Symbiotic Organisms Search." Dimensi Utama Teknik Sipil, 9(1), 1-17.
Tsai, M.H., Yang, C.H., Wang, C.H., Yang, I-Tung, Kang, S.C. (2021/11). "SEMA: A Site Equipment Management Assistant for Construction Management." KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 26(3), 1144–1162. (SCI, EI)
Budhiyanto, A., Oktavianus, A., Tedjokusumo, B., Harsono, K., and Yang, I-Tung (2021/08). "Comparison of simulation-based methods and metaheuristic optimization algorithms for optimizing window design by considering daylighting and heat transfer in a tropical region of Indonesia." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,Volume 907, Digital and Empathic Engagement in the New Era for Architecture and Civil Engineering 012016.
Li, A.J., Fatty, A., and Yang, I-Tung. (2020). "Use of Evolutionary Computation to Improve Rock Slope Back Analysis" Applied Sciences, 10, no. 6: 2012. (SCI, EI)
Chou, J.S., Cheng, M.Y., Hsieh, Y.M., Yang, I-Tung, and Hsu, S.T. (2019/03). "Optimal path planning in real time for dynamic building fire rescue operations using wireless sensors and visual guidance." Automation in Construction, 99, pp. 1-17. (SCI, EI)
Cheng, M.Y., Chiu, K.C., Hsieh, Y.M., Yang, I-Tung,, Chou, J.S., and Wu, Y.W. (2017/12). "BIM integrated smart monitoring technique for building fire prevention and disaster relief." Automation in Construction, 84, pp. 14-30. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung and Husada, Willy (2017/03). "Improving classification accuracy for single-loop reliability-based design optimization." Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2228, pp. 1036-1040. (Open Access)
Yang, I-Tung, Hsieh, Y.H., and Kuo, C.K. (2016/03). "Integrated multiobjective framework for reliability-based design optimization with discrete design variables." Automation in Construction, 63, 162-172. (SCI, EI)
Ioannou, P.G. and Yang, I-Tung (2016/05). "Repetitive Scheduling Method: Requirements, modeling, and implementation." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001107, 04016002. (SCI, EI)
Lin, Y.C., Yang, I-Tung, and Lee, H.Y. (2015/08). "Developing as-built BIM model process management system for general contractors: a case study." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 10.3846/13923730.2014.914081. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung, Lin, Y.C., and Lee, H.Y. (2014/01). "Use of Support Vector Regression to improve computational efficiency of stochastic time-cost trade-off." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 140(1), 04013036. (SCI, EI)
Kuo, C.K., Jeng, T.S., and Yang, I-Tung (2013/08). "An invisible head marker tracking system for indoor mobile augmented reality." Automation in Construction, 33, pp. 104-115. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung and Hsieh, Y.H. (2013/03). "Reliability-based design optimization with cooperation between support vector machine and particle swarm optimization." Engineering with Computers, 29(2), pp. 151-163. (SCI, EI)
Wang, W.C., Yu, W.D., Yang, I-Tung, Lin, C.C., Lee, M.T., and Cheng, Y.Y. (2013/01). "Applying the AHP to support the best-value contractor selection – Lessons learned in Taiwan." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 19(1), pp. 24-36. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung, Hsieh, Y.M., and Kung, L.O. (2012/02). "Parallel computing platform for multiobjective simulation optimization of bridge maintenance planning." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 138(2), pp. 215-226. (SCI, EI)
Lee, H.Y., Yang, I-Tung, Lin, Y.C. (2012/05). "Laying out the occupant flows in public buildings for operating efficiency." Building and Environment, 51, pp. 231-242. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung, Wang, W.C., and Yang, T.I. (2012/03). "Automatic repair of inconsistent pairwise weighting matrices in analytic hierarchy process." Automation in Construction, 22(1), pp. 290-297. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung (2011/11). "Stochastic time-cost tradeoff analysis: A distribution-free approach with focus on correlation and stochastic dominance." Automation in Construction, 20(7), pp. 916-926. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung and Hsieh, Y.H. (2011/08). "Reliability-based design optimization with discrete design variables and non-smooth performance functions: AB-PSO algorithm." Automation in Construction, 20(5), pp. 610-619. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung and Chou, J.S. (2011/01). "Multiobjective optimization for manpower assignment in consulting engineering firms." Applied Soft Computing, 11(1), pp. 1183-1190. (SCI, EI)
Hsie, M., Chang, C.J., Yang, I-Tung, Huang, C.Y. (2009/11). "Resource-constrained scheduling for continuous repetitive projects with time-based production units." Automation in Construction, 18(7), pp. 942-949. (SCI, EI)
Chou, J.S., Yang, I-Tung, and Chong, W.K. (2009/08). "Probabilistic simulation for developing likelihood distribution of engineering project cost." Automation in Construction, 18(5), pp. 570-577. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung (2008/05). "Distribution-free Monte Carlo simulation: Premise and refinement." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 134(3), pp. 352-360. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung (2008/02). "Utility-based decision support system for schedule optimization." Decision Support Systems, 44(3), pp. 595-605. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung (2007/07). "Using elitist particle swarm optimization to facilitate bicriterion time-cost trade-off analysis." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 133(7), pp. 498-505. (SCI, EI).
Yang, I-Tung (2007/06). "Risk modeling of dependence among project task durations." Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 22(6), pp. 419-429. (SCI, EI)
Yang, I-Tung (2006/09) "Using Gaussian copula to simulate repetitive projects." Construction Management and Economics, 24(9), pp. 899-900. (EI)
Yang, I-Tung and Chang, C.Y. (2005/10) "Stochastic resource-constrained scheduling for repetitive construction projects with uncertain supply of resources and funding." International Journal of Project Management, 23(7), pp. 546-553 (SSCI, EI).
Yang, I-Tung (2005/09). "Chance-constrained time-cost tradeoff analysis considering funding variability." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 131(9), pp. 1002-1012 (SCI, EI).
Yang, I-Tung (2005/05). "Impact of budget uncertainty on project time-cost tradeoff." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , IEEE, 52(2), pp.167-174 (SCI, SSCI, EI).
Yang, I-Tung (2005/05) "Simulation-based estimation for correlated cost elements." International Journal of Project Management, 23(4), pp 275-282 (SSCI, EI).
Yang, I-Tung and Ioannou, Photios G. (2004/07). "Scheduling system with focus on practical concerns in repetitive projects." Construction Management and Economics, 22(6), pp. 619-630 (EI).
Ioannou, Photios G. and Yang, I-Tung (2004/05). "Discussion of comparison of linear scheduling model and repetitive scheduling method." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 130(3), pp. 461-463. (SCI, EI)
Ioannou, Photios G. and Yang, I-Tung (2003/01). "Discussion of algorithm for determining controlling path considering resource continuity." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 17(1), pp. 70-72. (SCI, EI)
Everett, John G. and Yang, I-Tung (1997/09). "Workers' comp. Premiums: disparities in penalties for identical losses." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 123(3), pp.312-317. (SCI, EI)
Conference Papers
Jonathan Aloysius Budiman, Evelyn Jane Wijayanti, Handy Prayogo, and Yang, I-Tung (2024). "Structural Reliability Analysis: Dimension-Reduction Approach with Deep Learning Integration." Proceedings of The 9th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM 2024), Hefei, China.
Yang, I-Tung and Jonathan Aloysius Budiman (2024). "Dimensionality Reduction in Structural Reliability Analysis." Proceedings of The 20th conference of the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2024), Montreal, Canada.
Joshua Wijaya and Yang, I-Tung (2024). "Multi-objective Decision Making in Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation." Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management, Yun-Lin, Taiwan.
Zahra Alya Darojati and Yang, I-Tung (2023). "Multi-objective Decision Making in Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation." Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan.Stefan Tjiptowiyono and Yang, I-Tung (2023). "Incorporating Impact of Rain in Scheduling of Building Structures." Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan.
Yang, I-Tung and Handy Prayogo (2023). "Adaptive Kriging-assisted Meta-heuristic Method for Efficient Reliability-based Design Optimization." The Fifth International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, Bangkok, Thailand.
Yang, I-Tung and Lin, Chien-Hsuan (2022). "Use of UAV to Facilitate Manual Inspection of Underground Support Works." The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering Fundamentals and Applications, Seoul, Korea (virtual).
Andreas Setiawan and Yang, I-Tung (2021). "Automated Structural Optimization Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search and ETABS Integration Framework." Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kevin Richard Anggrek and Yang, I-Tung (2021). "Semi-automated Generation of Structural 3D BIM Model from 2D CAD Drawings." Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yang, I-Tung and Handy Prayogo (2020). "Reliability-based Design Optimization Using Symbiotic Organisms Search and Subset Simulation." Proceedings of the Seventh Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA), Tokyo, Japan.
Yang, I-Tung and Liang, Jung (2018). "Automated Structural Optimization Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search and ETABS Integration Framework." Proceedings of Conference on Engineering Technology, Kyoto, Japan, March.
Yang, I-Tung and Chen, Wei-Han (2018). "Indoor Disaster Evacuation System: Routing Optimization." Proceedings of International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, Munich, Germany, July.
Yang, I-Tung and Husada, W. (2017). Improving classification accuracy for single-loop reliability-based design optimization.” The World Symposium on Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, China, March.
Yang, I-Tung and Husada, W. (2016). “Data mining methods in structural reliability estimation.” Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE2016), Osaka, Japan, July.
Yang, I-Tung and Fu, Y.C. (2014). “Life-cycle maintenance decision support system using parallel computing.” Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE-2014, Tokyo, Japan, October.
Yang, I-Tung and Hsieh, Y.H. (2014). “Structure optimization considering reliability constraints.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACEX-2014, Paris, France, July.
Yang, I-Tung (2013). “Reliability-Based Design Optimization with Discrete Design Variables: A Multiobjective Formulation.” Proceedings of the 6th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region, CECAR-6, Jarkata, Indonesia, August.
Yang, I-Tung (2012). "Improving decision efficiency of Analytic Hierarchy Process in contractor selection" Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference of Information Conference, Sapporo, Japan, July.
Yang, I-Tung and Hsieh, Y.H. (2011). "Reliability-based Design Optimization with Discrete Search Space." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Bangkok, Thailand, September.
Ninh Duong and Yang, I-Tung (2011). "Multi-objective simulation optimization for scheduling RMC trucks dispatching " The 15th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management, Taipei, Taiwan, June.
Yang, I-Tung and Hsieh, Yi-Hung (2010). "Boundary-approaching Particle Swarm Optimization in reliability-based design optimization." Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM, Macau, December.
Yang, I-Tung (2010). "Multiobjective simulation optimization for bridge maintenance planning." Proceedings of the International Engineering Research Conference, IERC, Bohol, Philippine, January.
Yang, I-Tung (2009). "Risk-based multiobjective optimization model for bridge maintenance planning." Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, ISCM II, Hong Kong and Macau, November.
Yang, I-Tung (2008). "Site layout model addressing safety requirement." Proceedings of the 12th International conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE XII, Beijing, China, October.
Yang, I-Tung (2007). "Pareto archived PSO optimization for time-cost tradeoff analysis." 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Singapore, September.
Yang, I-Tung (2006). "Multiobjective PSO algorithm in project staff management." International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction 2006, ISARC 2006, Tokyo, Japan, October.
Yang, I-Tung (2005). "Stochastic scheduling considering interdependent activity durations." International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management, ICCEM 2005, Seoul, Korea, October.
Yang, I-Tung (2005). "Scheduling construction projects with stochastic resource constraints." International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management, ICCEM 2005, Seoul, Korea, October.
Yang, I-Tung (2005). "Managing cost estimation risks during planning stage." Hong Kong Institute of Value Management 7th International Conference, Hong Kong, June.
Yang, I-Tung (2004)."New scheduling system for pipeline projects." ASCE Pipeline 2004 Conference, US Grant Hotel, San Diego, US, August.
Yang, I-Tung (2004). "Project time-cost tradeoff with uncertain financial feasibility." The 2004 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, June.
Yang, I-Tung (2003)."Computerized scheduling tool for repetitive construction project." Computer Application in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Conference, National Taiwan University of Technology and Science, Taipei, Taiwan, June.
Yang, I-Tung (2002). "Stochastic analysis on project duration under the requirement of continuous resource utilization." The 10th Conference for International Group of Lean Construction (IGLC-X), Gramado, Brazil, pp. 527-540.
Yang, I-Tung and Ioannou, Photios G. (2002). "Repetitive project planner." The 9th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-IX), Taiwan, pp. 1257-1262.
Yang, I-Tung and Ioannou, Photios G. (2001) "Resource-driven scheduling for repetitive projects: a pull-system approach." The 9th Conference for International Group of Lean Construction (IGLC-IX), National Singapore University, Singapore, pp. 365-377.
Yang, I-Tung and Ioannou, Photios G. (2001) "Repetitive project planner." Great Lakes Civil Engineering Graduate Student Research Symposium, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA.
Conference Papers (Mandarin)
尤翊臻、楊亦東 (2024) "以階層線性模式分析營造專案管理資訊系統使用意願",第二十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,六月。
王菁、楊亦東 (2024) "住宅窗口設計之建築性能多目標最佳化",第二十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,六月。
邱宇辰、楊亦東 (2024) "以電力系統冗餘設計角度提升地震衝擊下之供電可靠度",第二十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,六月。
吳玠晏 、楊亦東 (2024) "系統模擬之鋁模板生產流程最佳化分析 ",第二十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,六月。
王敬堯、楊亦東 (2024) "以國外數量計算規則探討我國工程履約爭議中關於數量爭訟之研究-以土方工項為例",第二十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,六月。
林志昌、楊亦東 (2024) "政府採購稽核與工程施工查核精進作為之探討-以中央機關為例",第二十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,六月。
歐李佳宣、楊亦東 (2023) "建築施工造成損鄰事件之實證分析-以司法判決為核心",第二十七屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立陽明交通大學,七月。
李笙源、楊亦東 (2023) "預鑄構件生產策略之模擬分析",第二十七屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立陽明交通大學,七月。
徐錦芳、楊亦東 (2023) "建築全命週期碳定價成本實例分析",第二十七屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立陽明交通大學,七月。
侯錦棟、楊亦東 (2023) "新冠肺炎疫情對營建產業在工程管理與規劃上之影響調查",第二十七屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立陽明交通大學,七月。
李浩廷、楊亦東 (2022) "考慮施工效率及學習曲率之重複性工程排程最佳化",第二十六屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立中央大學,七月。
賴家儀、楊亦東 (2022) "採光與能耗雙重目標最佳化之建築窗口尺寸設計 ",第二十六屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立中央大學,七月。
傅靖晏、楊亦東 (2022) "受土壤液化影響之建物沉陷傾斜及維生管線損害脆弱度分析 -關鍵設施為例",第二十六屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立中央大學,七月。
李紘宇、楊亦東 (2021) "運用FMEA於建築工程施工階段之重工事件",第二十五屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立臺灣大學,七月。
蔡寶儀、楊亦東 (2021) "以BIM與雲端資料庫為基礎之機電設備維護系統雛形",第二十五屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立臺灣大學,七月。
張晟、楊亦東 (2020) "以 BIM 輔助建築生產履歷系統 ",第二十四屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立臺灣科技大學,七月。
簡良謙、楊亦東 (2020) "民間參與托育服務之閒置空間活化再利用 ",第二十四屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立臺灣科技大學,七月。
張祐菁、楊亦東、鄭明淵 (2019) "以深度學習網路辨別工地安全問題",第二十三屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立中興大學、逢甲大學、朝陽科技大學,七月。
黃紹閔、楊亦東 (2018) "圖像式重複性排程演算法",第二十二屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立台北科技大學,七月。
王浚宇、楊亦東 (2017) "公共工程技術資料庫結合估算碳排放量模式之研究-以野溪整治工程為例",第二十一屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,七月。
孫睿宏、楊亦東、嚴崇一(2017) "三維雷射掃描應用於深開挖工程之連續壁變形監測",第二十一屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學,七月。
楊亦東、林楷崴 (2016) "基於共享經濟概念之家庭交易平台物聯網應用",第二十屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立成功大學,七月。
楊亦東、黃詩琪 (2016) "開發BIM程式產出建築鋼筋數量估算報表",第二十屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立成功大學,七月。
楊亦東、陳韋翰 (2015) "火災導引行動應用程式",第十九屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,七月。
楊亦東、梁榕 (2015) "工地防護裝置鬆脫預警通報系統之建置",第十九屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立高雄應用大學,七月。
楊亦東、楊國鑫、陳世焯 (2014) "加勁擋土牆可靠度最佳化設計",第十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,七月。
楊亦東、董亞哲 (2014) "混合超啟發式演算法與經驗法則求解多專案有限資源排程問題",第十八屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學,六月。
傅英齊、楊亦東、邱建國 (2013) "鋼筋混凝土建築物生命週期維護管理之平行最佳化模式",第十七屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,淡江大學,六月。
賴東祺、楊亦東 (2013) 以社群網路為基礎之大眾防災資訊推播系統,第十七屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,淡江大學,六月。
張恆欣、楊亦東 (2012) "Reliability-based Design Optimization with cooperation between Support Vector Machine and Particle Swarm Optimization using parallel computing",第十六屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,朝陽科技大學,六月。
游崇韋、楊亦東 (2012) "極端氣候下避難疏散路徑規劃-以台北市為例",第十六屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,朝陽科技大學,六月。
楊亦東、劉宗華、游崇韋 (2011). "考量複合性災害潛勢之避難路徑最佳化規劃",臺北市災害防救深耕計畫研討會,國立台灣科技大學,十月。
蔡明修、鄭明淵、周瑞生、楊亦東、陳俊雄、鄭至哲 (2011). "極端氣候下都市複合性災害流程查核表之建立",臺北市災害防救深耕計畫研討會,國立台灣科技大學,十月。
李品毅、楊亦東 (2011). "平行計算應用於成本工期相關性模擬之誤差校正演算法",第十五屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立台灣科技大學,六月。
詹善任、楊亦東 (2010). "考慮桿件挫曲之可靠度最佳化方法比較",第十四屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立台灣大學,七月。
楊子毅、楊亦東 (2010). "應用粒子群演算法調校層級分析法之權重矩陣以協助選商決策",第十四屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立台灣大學,七月。
龔力歐、楊亦東 (2010). "應用平行計算於考量風險之多目標橋梁維護策略最佳化",2010營建管理研討會,國立聯合大學,七月。
簡尚彬、楊亦東 (2009). "改良式基因演算法求解於鋼筋裁切最佳化問題",第十三屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立屏東科技大學,七月。
莊賢文、楊亦東 (2009). "基因演算法在管網規畫設計之應用",第十三屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立屏東科技大學,七月。
銀徽、楊亦東、歐昱辰 (2009). "以超啟發式法則進行鋼筋混凝土結構最佳化設計",第十三屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會,國立屏東科技大學,七月。
孫瑩璇、楊亦東 (2007). "應用超啟發式演算法求解多評準效用之排程最佳化" 九十六年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會, 淡江大學土木工程系, 九月。
卓哲宇、楊亦東 (2007). "應用網際網路搜尋土木工程專業知識之初探" 九十六年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會, 淡江大學土木工程系, 九月。
林長平、楊亦東 (2007). "滿足安全性需求之工程設施配置模式" 第十一屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會, 中華大學營建工程系, 七月。
李冠廷、楊亦東 (2007). "以質群演算法求解鋼筋裁切最佳化問題之研究" 第十一屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會, 中華大學營建工程系, 七月。
賴偉誠、楊亦東 (2007). "優選推進工法應用於污水下水道之評估模式" 第十一屆營建工程與管理研究學術研討會, 中華大學營建工程系, 七月。
謝文仁、楊亦東 (2006). "考慮共變異因子之BOT專案財務評估模式" 2006營建技術暨管理研討會, 雲林科技大學營建工程系, 七月。
陳柏村、楊亦東 (2006). "質群演算法於組合型時間成本最佳化問題之研究" 2006營建技術暨管理研討會, 雲林科技大學營建工程系, 七月。
郭寶婷、楊亦東 (2005). "石材業之系統動態學應用模型研究-以二次加工廠為例" 第九屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會, 臺北科技大學土木系, 六月。
張芷宜、楊亦東、黃怡碩 (2004) "運用機率限制規劃求解資源及資金供給不確定條件下之重複性工程排程問題" 第八屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會, 臺灣大學土木系, 六月。
李增源、楊亦東、黃怡碩 (2004) "施作團隊工作連續性對專案工期成本權衡之不確定性評估" 第八屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會, 臺灣大學土木系, 六月。
傅正輝、楊亦東、鄭道明 (2004) "考慮作業相關性對評估專案工期之影響" 第八屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會, 臺灣大學土木系, 六月。
張芷宜、楊亦東 (2004) "重複性工程中考量不確定性資源供給之隨機規劃排程模式" 2004營建技術暨管理研討會, 雲林科技大學營建工程系, 七月。
李增源、楊亦東 (2004) "考慮彈性緩衝時間之不確定性工期成本權衡模式" 2004營建技術暨管理研討會, 雲林科技大學營建工程系, 七月。