Fall Ordeal
During this year’s Fall Ordeal, we welcomed over 50 new ordeal candidates into our lodge and 10 new Brotherhood members! And, the ceremonies team had a blast performing this fall's ceremonies. If anyone is interested in joining the ceremonies team, please get in touch with the Lodge Secretary.
2024 Section E7's Cornerstone Conclave was held at Belk Scout Camp. We all had such a great time competing in the various competitions with the other lodges. Patch trading, and spending time with the other lodges from Section E7! Can't wait for next year's Conclave with Bob White Lodge! We hope to see many of you there!!
CONCLAVE 2024!!!
Spring Ordeal
This year's Spring Ordeal was a great hit for our lodge. We got the opportunity to welcome new brothers into the Order of the Arrow, along with helping our returning brothers seal their membership in the Brotherhood class. We completed many hours of service as always, and had lots of fun too!
iLead 2024
20 Arrow men attended iLead 2024 to learn ways to better our lodge, through communication, delegation, friendships, and leadership. Thanks to our Section Vice Chief and former Section Chief for being present at this event.
2024 Annual Lodge Banquet
This year at our Banquet we had the privilege to recognize our new Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Honor recipients; swear in our new Lodge Officers; give out our yearly awards such as Arrowman of the Year, James E. West Fellowship Award, and the Founder’s Award; and more! Also, a huge thanks to our Section Chief for being our special guest for the night! We hope you enjoyed the time of fun and fellowship
2023 Cornerstone Conclave
We had lots of fun this past year at Camp Ho no Wah hosted by Unali'yi Lodge! What a worth wile event with a great campground, competitions from the quest for the golden arrow, ceremony's, AIA, and patch trading. Nothing is better than spending the with fellow arrowmen.
iLead 2023
40 Arrowmen attended iLead 2023 to learn ways to better our lodge and learn the curriculum of Polestar. While there we smashed a car and played many games.
Fall Fellowship 2022
With 98 Arrowmen in attendance we held our 2023 Lodge & Chapter Officer elections. As well as welcoming 5 new Vigils into the honor.
Fall Ordeal 2022
During this fun filled weekend, we welcomed 61 new members to our Lodge as well as show our new brothers what our lodge is all about!
NOAC 2022
During NOAC we sent 18 members of our lodge to attend the fun filled week, where everyone had a great time doing various thing around the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Tennessee.
Thank you for being a part of Itibap 188! Go Beavers!!