
Meeting #1 - May 6th, 2020

General information about the Working Group

Overview on the sensor data products

State of art for the SWA commissioning

Overview on the contributions received for the Italian Solar Orbiter Infoday

Planning for the next meetings

Meeting #3 - June 17th, 2020

Updates on SWA status

Announce about a possible cooperation between the Solar Orbiter italian community and the european H2020 project AIDA (Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis)

Overview of the EPD data products

Acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles (Speaker: M. Laurenza)

Scientific discussion

Plan for the next meeting

Meeting #4 - July 8th, 2020

Meeting #5 - September 17th, 2020

Updates on SWA (Speaker: R. D'Amicis)

Novel aspects of energetic particle diffusion in synthetic magnetic turbulence (Speaker: O. Pezzi)

Scientific discussion

Shared document on proposed scientific cases

Plan for the next meeting

Meeting #6 - October 15th, 2020

Updates on SWA

"ProprietĂ  fisiche di shock associati alle CME osservati con dati coronografici" (Speaker: Alessandro Bemporad)

Scientific discussion

Status of the shared document and poster AGU

Plan for the next meeting