
Meeting #1 - May 5th, 2020

General information about the Working Group

Overview on the sensor data products

State of art for the SWA commissioning

Overview on the contributions received for the Italian Solar Orbiter Infoday

Planning for the next meetings

Meeting #2 - May 28th, 2020

SWA status

Solar Orbiter crossing of Comet C/2019 Y4

Scientific presentations and discussions on:

General information on WG shared documents

Planning for next meeting

Meeting #3 - June 16th, 2020

SWA status

Preliminary results on Solar Orbiter crossing of Comet C/2019 Y4

Scientific presentations and discussions on:

Joint SWA - AIDA meeting - Rossana De Marco

Planning for next meeting

Meeting #4 - July 7th, 2020

Meeting #5 joined by Metis topical team 'Solar wind' - September 1st, 2020

SWA status update

Scientific presentation and discussion on:

  • 'Sources and properties of the solar wind observed during the first two Parker Solar Probe perihelion passages' by Marco Velli and Olga Panasenco

  • AOB and next meeting

Meeting #6 - September 22nd, 2020

SWA status update

Open discussion on :

  • shared Google document and national context

  • our WG in the international context

  • our contribution to AGU Fall meeting 2020

AOB and next meeting