Obannon-Final Paper and Project 


My Paper 

Progress through the day as people added to the canvas. 

My initial goal/ What I did during the project:

My intial goal was to have people answer the question of if they like interactive art by adding art to the "yes or no" side that alined with thier views. After the first few people partcipated however, I ended up forgoing it as most people did not know the definition of interactive art and did not understand what to do after explaining. Letting people draw and add anywhere, people where more understanding and open to particpating. 

My Thoughts on the project

This project was very fun getting to see the different skill levels, creativity, and passion people in my community had for art. I felt very connected to my community and it was good pratice for my socail aniexty to go up and ask people to partcipate in the project. After the project it made me what to do it angain and see how different it might be given that the age and skill level could flucate so much. I do regret not having more of an organized approach to it however; it is a bit chaotic and might look more presentable if I had organized it differently, like dividing the canvas into squares and having each person paint one.