On this page you will find different activities to help with managing your feelings and making positive choices. Don't forget to scroll down this page to look for fun strategies that work for you. Every week, Ms. ML and Ms Israeloff will post something new for you to try. The goals of self-regulation and use of our positive coping skills are helpful tools to learn.

Mindfulness Moments and Expressive Arts Activities

Go to this link to help your worries disappear by throwing them into the universe. Highly recommended by School Counselors!

Click this link

Try this 15 minute meditation exercise.

15 minutes too long? Enjoy 8 minutes of a guided Mindfulness exercise.

Mindfulness has become very popular because it helps people become calm when they are agitated, focused when they are not able to pay attention, and generally feel better whenever they want to. It can help students with their schoolwork, their social activities (in person and online), performances, sports activities, eating better and sleeping better.

Ms. Israeloff is sharing lessons from the Mindfulness class she teaches at school, so that you can learn about Mindfulness or remind yourself about the Mindfulness practices. She will share a new one every week, but they can be watched in any order once they are on the web page.

Art and writing are other helpful creative outlets to express your feelings and become more calm. Ms. M-L will be posting a new expressive arts activity every week. These activities can be done everyday, once a week, or whenever you are feeling the need for a creative outlet to express your feelings and relax. Enjoy!

Ms. Israeloff has many mindfulness activities below.

More art and mindfulness activities to try!

Draw a figure using your non-dominant hand with Ms. M-L

Mindful Seeing with Ms. Israeloff

Make a worry box with Ms. M-L to put your worries aside and feel better.

Mindful Eating with Ms. Israeloff

Some examples of worry boxes.

Create positive messages on painted rocks with Ms. M-L.

Mindful Body Scan with Ms. Israeloff

More examples of positive quote rocks. Email us any that you decide to make.

Create a 'Heart Check-in' drawing/collage with Ms. M-L

Heartfulness with Ms. Israeloff

Mindfulness - Finding Your Anchor with Ms. Israeloff

'Create a Collage' with Ms. M-L to check-in with your feelings.

Make a 'Spontaneous Scribble Drawing' with Ms. M-L

Mindfulness of Sound and Listening with Ms. Israeloff

Ms Israeloff's Mindfulness Introduction

Ms. M-L tells you how to create and use a 'Grateful Journal'

Making a FEELING CIRCLE with Ms. M-L

Here are a few 'feeling circles' made by a GMS student and parent! Nice job!

Here is a message from Minding Your Mind, spoken by young adults, with tips for you to manage your stress. Stay tuned for a 5- minute guided Mindfulness Practice at the end.