
Research interests

Classical and big mapping class groups, groups actions on simplicial complexes, Teichmüller theory, flat surfaces, hyperbolic geometry.


We obtain a complete characterization of those that are globally CB, which does not require the tameness condition. We prove that, for surfaces with a unique maximal end, any locally CB big mapping class group is CB generated. Finally, we give an example of a non-tame surface whose mapping class group is CB generated but is not globally CB, answering a question of Mann and Rafi.


We show that any simplicial automorphism of the curve graph of an infinite-type surface is induced by a homeomorphism. We also prove that the curve graph of an infinite-type surface is topologically rigid.

We show that the natural action of the mapping class group of an infinite-type surface on the curve complex is faithful. In particular, we show that there is a countable collection of curves on the surface such that if a homeomorphism fix the isotopy class of each curve in this collection then it is isotopic to the identity. 

We generalice the Thurston-Veech construction of pseudo-Anosov elements to the setting of infinite-type surfaces. We use it to produces infinitely many loxodromic elements for the action of Mod(S;p) on the loop graph L(S;p) that do not leave any finite-type subsurface invariant.

We describe the topological behavior of the conjugacy action of the mapping class group of an orientable infinite-type surface. Our techniques are based on model-theoretic methods developed by Kechris, Rosendal and Truss.

We associate to each zero-twist flute surface a sequence of positive real numbers. We charactarize when the surface is of first type and when it is of parabolic type in terms of this sequence. The last was afther the work of Basmajian, Hakobian and Šarić. In addition, we present an uncountable family of hyperbolic surfaces homeomorphic to the Loch Ness Monster.

We show that any countable infinite group can be represented as the full group of automorphisms of a suitable origami on the Loch Ness Monster. 

Other writings (spanish)