8th International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University (ISQBS2023)
November 28-30, 2023
Thank you so much for participating ISQBS2023!
All the program was success owing to your active participation.
The 1st day (morning sessions)
Poster pre-talk session
ISQBS is the international symposium held yearly since the Institute of Quantum Beam Science of Ibaraki University (IQBS-IU) was established in 2016. This event aims to showcase recent advances in the quantum (beam) sciences from across the globe at Ibaraki University, Japan by focusing particular scientific subjects.
We, the Institute of Quantum Beam Science and Frontier Research Center for Applied Atomic Sciences, have collaborated with the research facilities and institutes of quantum beam sciences including J-PARC, JAEA, KEK, ISSP the University of Tokyo. We initiated new collaboration on research and education activities with ISSP based on the steady neutron source JRR-3 of JAEA, which was restarted 2021 after the long shutdown owing to the seismic event at 2011. Considering such a recent situation, we will have a symposium of the quantum-beam science in the region of Pacific Rim to exchange knowledges and informations.
Date: November 28-30, 2023
Venue: The Library Hall, Mito Campus, Ibaraki University
Registration Fee: Free (Online registration is required)
Topics covered in ISQBS2023
Invited Speaker Sessions: Recent advances in quantum-beam sciences including neutron, muon, and synchrotron radiation for materials science, life sciences, fundamental physics, industrial applications etc.
Student/Young Researcher Sessions: We will have presentations from student/young researchers majoring quantum beam sciences.
Poster session is also held.
Joint Institutions
Material Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
International and Inter-institution Network for Accelerator Science to Next Generation (IINAS-NX)
The Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP), The University of Tokyo
Organizing Institution: Institute of Quantum Beam Science, Ibaraki University
Organizing Committee: Kenji Ohoyama (Chair), Kazuhiro Mori, and Kazuaki Iwasa