Isotta Burlin

Ph.D. in Bioethics

M.D. cum laude in Philosophy

Learning & Tech enthusiast, Executive Assistant, Teacher, Writer... and much more

Hello, this is me

Born in Naples, Italy on 24 02 1983

I live and work near Milan, Italy

I am interested in...

HR Management and talent management

Digitalization and change management

Helping organizations and people reaching digital maturity

Helping people develop, train and succeed

Performance management

Generational Mix and Re-skill

My current job

(remote worker since 2016)

2016 - present - Executive Assistant to CEO

Some duties:

Researching and summarizing info, facts, projects then presenting them (with Power Point, Prezi or Keynote) and filing items (sometimes preparing excel to normalize collected data)

Data sharing and management of collaboration suites like (Microsoft) Office 365 and (Google) G-Suite and other tools like SurveyMonkey, Smartdraw (self-taught)

Writing digital tools guides

Conducting software selections and simple data analysis

Management of agenda and contacts

Public Relations

My first book (2016)

Birth: a bioethics issue.

Assisted Human Reproduction, artificial wombs and human dignity

Where do I see myself in next 5 years?

  • Working and making the difference for (or maybe founding, who knows?) a trusted Company whose mission and values I can trust and share

  • A position in the following departments/fields: HR, Director Staff/Office, R&D, AI, (Bio)Ethics, Training and Education

  • Having a job with clear deadlines, objectives, a fair salary so I can organize my work-life balanced agenda, including time for my family and friends, practicing sports and travelling.

  • Living near the sea or in a house with a flourishing garden or a big terrace to share with my loved ones and have wonderful moments of relax

Past job experiences

2016 - (Jun-July) - Freelance at The Innovation Group, Milan

A management consulting, advisory and independent market research company where I helped realizing events, congresses, conferences, webinars, articles on tech subjects

2015– 2016 - Linguistic consultant and delegate for the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Italian Unit

(Voluntary experience) I have realized the English to Italian translation of “The first Syllabus for Youth Bioethics Education”; I wrote some articles of the Newsletter “Bioethical Voices”, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Haifa, (issues of January and May 2016). I collaborated as linguistic advisor in newsletters, blogs, sites, for different target readers with different nationalities and backgrounds and as delegate in some cultural events.

2009 - 2015 - Teacher (History, Philosophy, English) at Public High Schools and private Italian schools

Developing patience, charisma, empathy and leadership

2012 - 2013 – Freelance event manager

In collaboration with INAIL (National Institute of Work-related Accident Insurance) and MIUR (Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research) I worked to realize the "Mercogliano Film Festival: when Cinema meets Work 15-19 October 2013", Mercogliano, (AV), Italy, addressed to young people in order to promote the culture of safety on workplace

2011 – Internship in a marketing and communication agency, Salemme & Partners, Naples, Italy

My tasks included reviewing of papers on several events and customers of the agency, writing articles, press folders, case histories and advertorials

2009 - Internship at the Italian Institute of Culture in Athens, Greece

Organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors) in the Italian Institute of Culture in Athens' Press Office (Greece). My tasks included: helping with the organization of some cultural events promoted by the Institute, guest welcoming, language assistant during Italian lessons for young and adult Greek people.

Soft skills

Ability to work both in office and remotely, learning agility and passion for knowledge, emotional intelligence, creativity, adaptability, collaboration, stress resilience, work ethic, sense of responsibility, confidentiality, kindness and sense of humor, ability to reach clear assigned targets and to appreciate continuous feedbacks


  • 2021 - Master in HR Management Sole24Ore

(Topics: Digital HR Change Management Strategy; Strategic Recruiting, Performance Management & Compensation; Generational mix, Talent Acquisition & Management; Mangement of job contracts, firing and resignation; smart work and agile work; Digital Organization and Digital Workplace; Workplace change management; Coaching)

  • 2020 - Course on Intermediate Business Spanish , STEP-UP, Italy

  • 2017 - Master in Manager Assistant Sole24Ore

  • 2017 - How to realize fascinating presentations with Prezi

  • from 2013 to 2015 - Courses on European Project Management and fundraising

  • 2012 - CAE (Certificate of Advanced English, European Level C1)

  • 2011 - Course on Working in publishing

  • 2010 - Ph.D. in Bioethics (Thesis on “The Assisted Reproduction: from an inter- discipline to a multi-discipline” where I analyzed the issue from several points of view: medical, legal, philosophical and religious, since I am committed to an interdisciplinary approach to researching. I retraced for the first time the entire legal iter of the debated Italian law on assisted reproduction and stressed the importance of a law which is culturally sensitive, close to the personal needs of the patients, able to respect the single human being as a combination of spiritual, legal, historical and emotional issues.)

  • 2007 - Master Degree (cum laude) in Theoretical Philosophy (Thesis on "Ernst Junger: from necessity to freedom” )

  • 2004 - Bachelor degree in Theoretical Philosophy (thesis on “Environmental Bioethics: looking for balance” )

A picture I've taken of my favourite beach, Pioppi (SA), Italy

I find motivation in...

  • Knowing that my job is useful not only for the Company I work for but also for higher purposes. After all, I am still a philosopher inside: I need to know my job may help people feeling better.

  • Winning new challenges in different fields.

  • Learning new skills and developing my professionalism.

  • Reaching assigned targets. I need to know that my job is meaningful.

  • Participating in exclusive cultural events.

  • Sharing knowledge. I have been a teacher and I love training people.

  • Being amazed.

  • Continuous feedbacks.

  • Making myself, family, love and friends proud of me.

My hobbies

  • Travelling

  • Reading

  • Dancing (Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba)

  • Composing digital music

  • Realizing jewelry with recycled materials

  • Watching Shark documentaries

  • Learning new languages

What I would like to study

  • Javascript

  • Chatbot Programming

  • Data Analysis

  • Business Economics

  • Advanced Business Spanish

My golden rules in life and at work

  • Collaboration and Respect: Help friends and/or colleagues if you can and if they ask for help. Do not gossip. Do not underestimate the power of kindness.

  • Home/Office is a state of mind.

  • Time is the only oil: Your time is as precious as mine. You give me clear tasks and deadlines. Let me schedule my agenda and You'll get things done.

  • Ask and give feedback: they nurture you and help you and others perform better. If you do not give me feedback, I assume You are not interested in what I do.

  • Enjoy nature, go to gym, dance, sing ... do what inspires and relaxes you. Once a day and not once in a lifetime. Life is worth living!

Me during an interview with the singer Peter Cincotti for the webradio I worked for. (Dubbing in Italian made by myself)

Publications , speeches, booklet by me


- Isotta Burlin, “Birth: a bioethics issue. Assisted Human Reproduction, artificial wombs and human dignity", Ed CLEUP, 2016 (Original Italian title: “La nascita una questione di bioetica. Procreazione medicalmente assistita, uteri artificiali e dignità umana”.)


- N. Cannovo, M.R. Colangelo, V. Graziano, M. Paternoster, I. Burlin, “Ethical and Psychosocial Aspect of HIV” in “HIV infection”, Book 4, INTECH, Open Access Publisher, ISBN 979-953-307- 190-8, 2011

- N. Cannovo, P. Di Lorenzo, I. Burlin, M. Niola, “The pandemia of medical mistake: an ethical and preventive approach”, in Medicina e Morale, 2011, Volume 61, part 1, pp. 89- 120

- I. Burlin, N. Cannovo, “The Declaration of Helsinki and the Philosophical reflections on experimenting with human subjects by Hans Jonas: a comparison”, in Book of proceedings of the Congress on Biomedical Research, 2-4 Dec. 2009, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Medical Law, Italy, ISBN 978-88-966680-67-4

- N. Cannovo, I. Burlin, J. Bryce, “The declaration of Helsinki (2008) and Italian law: a comparison”, in Book of proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Medical Law, 8-12 August 2010, Zagreb, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-270-046-6, cd-rom


- English to Italian translation of “The first Syllabus for Youth Bioethics Education”, published online on January 2016 by UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa)

- Newsletter “Bioethical Voices” of the Unesco Chair in Bioethics, Haifa, (issue of January 2016)


- UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 11th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law, October 20-22, 2015, presentation on "Prosthesis, hybridization between humans and machines and human enhancement. When Man and Technology blend together, is it time to think about a new definition of "human being"? The abstract of the presentation is published on the Book of Abstracts of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 11th World Conference, page 39)

- UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 9th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law, November 19-21, 2013, presentation on "Bioethics and occupational safety in gender's studies". The abstract of the presentation is published on the Book of Abstracts of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 9th World Conference , page 52)

- Congress on “The new borderlines of clinical experimentation: a challenge for bioethics”, 15-17 Dec. 2010, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Medical Law, Italy, presentation on “Human Guinea Pigs”

- Congress on “GPs and their activities”, 26 January 2008, Sala delle Conferenze dell'Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi ed Odontoiatri di Benevento, Benevento (BN), Italy, presentation on “GPs and bioethics”

- Refresher course on “Data protection and health activity: the new Legislative Decree”, 25-26 Nov. 2005, Centro Congressi Terme di Telese, Benevento (BN), Italy, presentation on “Bioethics and Privacy"


- 18th World Congress on Medical Law, 8-12 August 2010, University of Zagreb, Croatia, poster on “The declaration of Helsinki (2008) and Italian law: a comparison”, co-written with Dr. Nunzia Cannovo e Dr. Jane Bryce;

- Congress on “Biomedical Research”, 2-4 Dec. 2009, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Medical Law, Naples, Italy, poster on “The Declaration of Helsinki and the Philosophical reflections on experimenting with human subjects by Hans Jonas: a comparison”, co-written with Dr. Nunzia Cannovo


"Cultivating safety. A little handbook for women working in farming", 29 Sept. 2012, published in collaboration with INAIL (National Institute of Work-related Accident Insurance)

A picture I've taken somewhere over the rainbow during my first trip to Lanzarote, Canarias Islands, Spain