3 Reasons Why You Should Source Your Geared Motor Solutions

12v DC gear motors incorporate an integrated motor and a gearbox in a single housing. They create rotation utilizing the Lorentz force principle to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The Lorenz force governs electromagnetically charged particles in the presence of a magnetic field.

Electromagnets are powered within a 12v DC gear motor, and rotation of the rotor is brought about by the magnets' generated attractive and repulsive forces.


The term “DC'' refers to a direct electrical input and the compact form of a geared DC motor enables a much greater level of control and precision. They also feature better lubrication which reduces the likelihood of overheating. DC motors are particularly well suited to applications which need to run for thousands of hours, uninterrupted, without the need for frequent maintenance.


Traditionally, gearheads were utilized for reducing motor speed and increasing torque power. Electronic speed controllers can now precisely control the exact speed and torque to best suit the application.

Operational noise

A 12-volt DC gear motor performs very well in virtually all conditions, making it suitable for a vast and varied range of applications. Because it is essentially an enclosed unit, they also generate much less noise. Additionally, because both motor and gear are perfectly paired and aligned, they are incredibly efficient.

ISL Products is a leading manufacturer of precision engineered electromechanical component solutions and they have the capability to design and manufacture component solutions that exactly match the needs of their clients.

ISL Products offer full integration, comprehensive customer services, and worldwide logistics support. ISL's DC motors can be found in high performance applications the world over, including industrial packaging machines, high-security locking mechanisms, medical devices, chair lifts, and surveillance systems.