
ISL-LEX is the outcome of collaborations and contributions from many different people and institutions

Hope E. Morgan (Radboud University): ISL-LEX coordinator, developed phonological coding system, phonological coder

Rama Novogrodsky (University of Haifa): project advisor, contributed signs from the Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) for ISL, provided the subjective frequency ratings and iconicity ratings, Hebrew translations

Wendy Sandler (University of Haifa): project advisor

Debbie Menashe: phonological coder, gathered subjective frequency ratings, sign model in ISL-LEX videos

Ora Ohanin: gathered subjective frequency ratings, sign model in ISL-LEX videos

Roni Beit-Hallahmi: Interpreter, translator, and consultant for phonological coding and data management

Maggalei Shema [מעגלי שמע] (previously The Institute for the Advancement of Deaf Persons in Israel or IADPI): gave permission for the use of videos used in ISL-LEX from their online ISL video dictionary (website currently offline)

Sara Lanesman: Led ISL dictionary project with Yael Kakon at IADPI, language consultant and contributor to original inventory of ISL signs at IADPI

Yael Kakon (previously of IADPI): Led ISL dictionary project with Sara Lanesman

Irit Meir: Linguistic advisor for ISL dictionary project at IADPI

Rose Stamp (Bar-Ilan University): project liaison, provided support for creation of webpages and video instructions, hosted and managed ISL videos online

Naomi Caselli (Boston University): conceptualized and designed the interactive visualization, technical advisor and liaison with Hariri Institute

Zed Sevcikova Sehyr (San Diego State University): conceptualized and designed the interactive visualization

Karen Emmorey (San Diego State University): conceptualized and designed the interactive visualization

Xinyun Cao, Jeff Simeon (Boston University Software & Application Innovation Lab [SAIL] at the Hariri Institute for Computing) developed the software for the interactive visualization

Amit Elbaz, Eti Lankeri, Leah Mendelson, Maor Ben-Ze’ev, Tami Asulin sign models in ISL-LEX videos (from IADPI online dictionary)


The original work on ASL-LEX was supported by the National Institutes of Health DC010997 to Karen Emmorey and San Diego State University, a Tufts University Faculty Research Award to Ariel Cohen-Goldberg, and a Tufts University Graduate Research Award to Naomi Caselli.

NSF Award BCS-1918556 to Zed Sevcikova Sehyr and Karen Emmorey NSF Awards BCS-1625954 to Karen Emmorey

NSF Awards BCS-1625793 and BCS-1918252 to Naomi Caselli

NSF Awards BCS-1625761 and BCS-1918261 to Ariel Cohen-Goldberg


BIBI Project - (Understanding the Contribution of Bimodal Bilingualism to Speech Perception during the Preschool Years) Israel Science Foundation, Grant No. 1068/16. Principal Investigator, Rama Novogrodsky

Grammar of the Body - European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme, Grant agreement No. 340140. Principal Investigator, Wendy Sandler

ISL Corpus project - Israel Science Foundation (grant No. 2757/20). Principal Investigator, Rose Stamp