Citing & Permissions

How to cite

  • General citation describing ISL-LEX:

Morgan, H., Sandler, W., Stamp, R. & Novogrodsky, R. (2022). ISL-LEX v.1: An Online Lexical Resource of Israeli Sign Language. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages (sign-lang@LREC 2022): 148–153.

  • To cite phonological data:

a. Paper (in production): Morgan, Hope, Wendy Sandler, & Rama Novogrodsky. Phonological coding in a lexical database of Israeli Sign Language, ISL-LEX v.1.

b. Data only: Morgan, Hope, Wendy Sandler, & Rama Novogrodsky. 2022. “ISL-LEX 1.0: A Database of Phonological and Lexical Properties for 961 Signs in Israeli Sign Language.” OSF. March 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/JMWYX

  • To cite data on frequency and iconicity:

Novogrodsky, Rama & Meir, Natalia. (2020). Age, Frequency and Iconicity in early sign language acquisition: Evidence from the Israeli Sign Language MacArthur-Bates Communicative Developmental Inventory. Applied Psycholinguistics, 1-29.

  • To reference the SIGN-LEX platform:

Caselli, N., Sevcikova Sehyr, Z., & Emmorey, K., Pandit, S., Cao, X., Fantes, M., Simeon, J., Cohen-Goldberg, A. M., (2022). SIGN-LEX: Interactive visualizations for sign language lexicons. SIGN-LEX.


The ISL-LEX database and the ISL-LEX visualization (excluding sign reference videos) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). This means you can reuse and remix this content as long as 1) you give proper credit and 2) the content is used for non-commercial purposes.

The sign reference videos are provided solely for personal searches of the ISL-LEX database. They may not be saved, displayed, or otherwise used for any other purpose without explicit permission.

Use of any part of ISL-LEX for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.