🌟Isely All-Stars PTO

Our Mission:

The mission of Isely All-Stars PTO is to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement, enhancing the educational experience by supporting academic and enrichment activities and improving the environment at Isely Elementary by providing volunteer and financial support. 

Meeting Minutes:

Isely PTO Meeting Minutes

Our board members:

President: Kacie Edleston
Vice President: Erica Brown
Treasurer: Samantha Raulsten
Secretary: Elizabeth Phillips

Staff Representative: Nicole Thomsen, Instructional Technology Teacher

Our committee leaders:

Eat 4 Isely Fundraising: Kristin Deal
PTO Work Day: Rachel McCulloch and Traci Elshoff
Uniform Closet: Lead needed!
Room Parent: Rebecca Gallo
Teacher Mini-Grants: Erica Brown
Staff Appreciation: Lead needed!

Ready to help?

Email:  iselyelementarypto@gmail.com