Abstract Submission Guidelines 

All authors interested in making a submission to the conference need to submit an extended abstract of 1000 words that includes an overview of the paper covering the following areas: backdrop, research gap, methodology, overview of findings, implications, conclusion and references.

The title page of the extended abstract must include the title of the paper followed by the name/s of the author/s, their affiliation and email id. The next page shall continue with the title of the paper followed by the main body of the extended abstract.

An abstract of not more than 1000 words has to be submitted, in the following format:


·       Research Problem

·       Key words (3-5 words)

·       Objectives of the Study

·       Research Methodology

·       Findings of the Study

·       Limitations and Future Research

·       References

Kindly mention the track number in the subject line while submitting the extended abstract.

All extended abstracts should be emailed at isbdconference2024@gmail.com . Upon acceptance of the extended abstract, authors need to adhere to the following full paper submission guidelines.

Full Paper Guidelines

The papers submitted to the international conference should describe your original work and should not have been published elsewhere or under consideration. The full version of your paper should be formatted as per the guidelines given below. Kindly mention the track theme in the subject line while submitting the full research paper/abstract.

The full paper should be mailed at


The paper should cover the following components in the prescribed format:

Opportunity to Publish in Reputed Journal/Edited Book

All registered and presented papers will go through the peer review process and selected papers will be published as part of conference proceedings in the form of an Edited Book with ISBN by an International Publisher. 

The International Conference will be supported by the following academic journals with ISSN like:

Publication Committee