Laser Cutter

Laser Cutter Essentials

    • PVC, ABS (3D printer material), Foam, Any material you’re not sure of
  • Make sure the ventilation is on before starting to use the machine
  • Check the focus (height of material) and size of your file (click go scale in RDWorks) before starting the job
  • Raise and lower the cover with 2 hands
  • Wait 30 seconds after the job finishes for all the fumes to be ventilated
  • Always be thinking about how your cut could be better next time
  • Have fun and be creative!

You can download the RDWorks software from this link. Click on "RDWorks-V7.xx.xx" (you may have to download winrar as well to extract the compressed file) and make sure you select "install USB drivers" in the last step of installation. Then watch the videos below for a sample of a file being created in RDWorks and an example of setting up the machine to cut.

RDWorks Screen
ISB Laser Cutter Setup
RDWorks Setup Doc

You can also use a free software called Inkscape to create designs and import them as .dxf files into RDWorks, or export an .svg file from a program like Tinkercad and then convert it to a .dxf file with a converter like the one found here, then import it into RDWorks. You can also

Laser Cutter Materials Doc