FaceNav Getting Started Tutorials
FaceNav is Early Access Donationware
FaceNav's Two Modes for Mouse Emulation:
Joystick Mode:
When first getting started, users may wish to try out the joystick mode. With the suggested settings, a person can use very little movement in order to move the mouse on the computer screening. Moving left and right up and down translates into mouse movement and these speeds can be reduced.
Users can create a mouse click and hold the mouse click using facial gestures including smiling. There are other gestures and voice commands that can be used. Many of these features are under development and experimental.
Important voice commands:
Say, "Start" and "stop" to start tracking.
Say "Butterfly!" command re-centers the nose.
Voice Commands: Are are always on
Smile to trigger a left mouse click.
Video Tutorial
Note: Right click icon at startup and choose "run as admlnistrator" to save start up settings.
Getting Started Video in Joystick Mode:
Face Nav Startup settings highlighted with red dots.
Nose Tracker On Mode:
You can turn on the Nose tracker which takes more skill but can be used with music applications.
Users can create a mouse click and hold the mouse click using facial gestures including smiling. There are other gestures and voice commands that can be used. Many of these features are under development and experimental.
Important voice commands:
Say, "Start" and "stop" to start tracking.
Say "Butterfly!" command re-centers the nose.
Smile to trigger a left mouse click.
Say "Click", "Double Click", and "Right Click"
Note: Right click icon at startup and choose "run as administrator" to save start up settings.
Video Tutorial:
Voice commands:
Butterfly - recenters
Double Click
Right Click
Hold left
Hold right
Page up
Page down
Start Menu
Hold right
Hold left
release right
release left
Volume up
volume down
zoom in
zoom out