Wapiti Lake Pack Videos

Wolves vs Bison 

When hunting, wolves want the animal they are pursuing to run. When the animal runs, the wolves can hunt more efficiently. It's easier for the wolves to harass and bite the back legs of the prey (where several major arteries are located) this way. It also makes the hunt safer for the wolves - by attacking from the back, they can avoid the horns and antlers of prey animals, such as bison and elk. Bringing down either of these large ungulates is not an easy task, so it's essential that the pack works together in order for the hunt to be successful.  On average, it takes four wolves to bring down an adult elk, and a whopping eleven wolves to bring down an adult bison. About 9% of wolves are killed by prey animals, such as bison and elk (Yellowstone Wolves, Smith et al, 2019).  

Energy In vs Energy Out

Wolves are smart hunters. They will often test to see if an animal is sick, injured, or otherwise weakened in order to determine if it is worth the energy expenditure to pursue it. They know that they have a much better chance to make the kill if the animal is weakened, rather than if it is at full strength. Studies show that approximately 80% of wolf kills involve the prey being sick, injured, or malnourished.

Wolves vs Bear

After their eradication from the lower 48 in the early 1900s, bears were the main predator in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. When wolves were reintroduced in 1995-1996, bears once again had to learn to coexist with wolves. When one makes a kill, it is not uncommon for the other to try to steal it from them. In these videos, the Wapiti Lake pack in Yellowstone National Park had recently made a bison kill. In the videos, you can see the pack defending it from some large grizzly bears. 


Wolves howl for several different reasons.  First, to notify other wolves of their location in order to bring the pack together. They also howl to let other packs know this is their territory and to stay away. On a clear, calm morning, a wolf's howl can carry up to 15km!