Frequently Asked Questions

Can my primary school children volunteer?

We currently welcome primary school children to volunteer with IRR as part of a School-wide collaboration or Teacher-Led Initiative. At the moment, our team does not have the bandwidth for younger students to get involved unsupervised. If your child is still interested in volunteering with NextGen, please get in touch with your child's teacher to perhaps organise a class project under our School-Wide or Teacher-Led Initiative. Please check out our "Join Us!" page for more information.

If I am a tertiary student, which track can I join?

You can form a project group with your friends or volunteer as an individual at one of our initiatives. Please check out our "Join Us!" page for more information.

If I am below the age of 16, or am currently studying in a secondary school (or Grade 8 and above in an International School), what track can I join?

If you are below 16 years old but currently studying in a secondary school (or Grade 8 and above in an International School), you can form a project group with your friends. Please checkout our "Join Us!" page for more information.

If I am not located in Singapore, can I still join IRR NextGen?

IRR NextGen is primarily open to students based in Singapore. Nonetheless, if you are currently not residing in Singapore but are still interested in volunteering with IRR NextGen, you may contact us at nextgen@itsrainingraincoats.com and we will get in touch with you regarding any suitable opportunities in the future.

If I am home-schooled or taking a gap year, can I still join?

Yes! Home-schooled and gap-year students are able to join IRR NextGen, in accordance with their level of study.

Is there a selection process for IRR volunteers once I submit my application? Will I be guaranteed a volunteer opportunity once I submit my application?

Internship Applications

All internship applications will be subject to processing and review, followed by an interview. Unsuccessful applicants may be re-directed to another IRR track to explore other volunteer opportunities within IRR.

Project Groups & School-Wide or Teacher-Lead Initiaitves

Please be assured that it is our intent to accommodate as many as volunteers as possible, subject to a review of your project idea and capacity limits.

Should any of the tracks be oversubscribed, we may re-direct you to another IRR track.

Am I able to obtain VIA hours, certificate or a testimonial after I complete the project?

Youths who have signed up and successfully completed their projects (and an After Action Review process with their mentor), with a minimum contribution of 6 hours may request for VIA hours or a certificate of completion, subject to the discretion of IRR.

Testimonials may also be awarded to youths with outstanding contribution, subject to the discretion of IRR.

I am interested in leading a project group. What do I do?

Youths who are keen on initiating a project are required to come up with a proposal stating at minimum, a) the volunteers involved, b) target number of migrant workers you are hoping to reach, and c) description of the project with the events, timelines, and logistics required. Please write in to nextgen@itsrainingraincoats.com to kickstart your project initiation.

Pro-Bono Opportunities

Please note that all volunteer opportunities are pro-bono. At IRR we have zero overheads and funding and are entirely volunteer run and managed.