Cloud and Fog Robotics In
The Age of Deep Learning

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2022 Workshop
October 27, 2022

Kyoto, Japan


Today's robots are increasingly using computationally expensive models, such as deep neural networks (DNNs), for perception and planning. However, resource-constrained robots, like low-power drones, often cannot run the most accurate, power-hungry compute models. In such cases, cloud and fog robotics allows robots to utilize both on-robot and cloud resources for compute and storage. Recent progress in deep learning, cloud computing, 5G wireless networks, and the advent of cloud robotics platforms from the likes of Google and Amazon make today an exciting time to consider cloud robotics.

Workshop Objectives

  • To convene together researchers and industry experts from computer systems and robotics to jointly discuss the fields' challenges.

  • To inform roboticists about algorithms to sustainably use congested networks, cloud resources, and new cloud robotics platforms from Amazon, Google, etc.

  • To formulate a research agenda on new learning algorithms that allow robots to judiciously utilize the cloud for enhanced perception and control over low-latency 5G wireless networks.

  • To discuss the security and privacy implications of robots sharing their data and compute resources over public networks.

Call for Participation

We're looking for academic and industry participants who would like to present their latest ideas, research, or latest developments in cloud robotics. Please see the call for papers, or contact the organizers.