Call for Papers

We're looking for papers on active research and ideas in cloud robotics.

The IROS 2022 workshop on Cloud and Fog Robotics in the Age of Deep Learning (CRADL), is seeking papers on cloud robotics with a particular interest in the demands, capabilities, and concerns that deep learning brings–whether compute, networking, data, multi-cloud, or multi-agent related.

Topics of interest

  • Cloud-robotics directions, future, and visions

  • Security and privacy in cloud robotics

  • 5G and edge computing in robotics

  • Cloud-robotics platforms for multi-robot coordination and control

  • Adaptive networks in multi-agent decision making

  • Latency in cloud-based perception, control, and multi-agent planning

  • Methods for control and planning for fleets of networked robots

  • Large-scale robot fleet coordination and management

  • Fleet and multi-robot data collection/generation and learning

  • Outreach and cloud-robotics competitions

  • Academic and industry collaborations in cloud robotics

Instructions for Authors

Submission should focus on problems in cloud-robotics and demonstrate the relevance of proposed methods, algorithms, datasets, and benchmarks to cloud-robotics. Authors are encouraged to report real-robot and real-cloud experiments or provide convincing arguments that simulated robot or simulated cloud (aka robot/local computing) elements are transferable to real robots and cloud.

Authors are encouraged to submit code, data, and videos as supplementary material.

Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality papers representing original work. Submissions along the theme, as well as all areas of cloud robotics, are welcome.

Submission Information

Please submit your paper by emailing the PDF and supplementary material to with the subject “workshop submission - first author last name - title.” E.g., “workshop submission - Asimov - On the laws of robotics.” In the email, list the Title, Authors full name + email, and Keywords. We will assume the email sender and CC list are the corresponding authors. For revisions, please reply-all to your previous submission email.

A. Format Guidelines

B. LaTex Template

C. MS Word Template

Papers should be four pages with unlimited additional pages for references (4+n) in length. The number of pages includes the references, appendices, etc. A short video (1-minute maximum) can also be attached to your paper to supplement results (see Instructions below).

Important Dates:

September 23, 2022, Anywhere on Earth (AOE): Deadline for paper submissions

October 7, 2022: Notification of acceptance

October 20, 2022: Final paper submission

Oct 27, 2022: Workshop day