

Mller NM, Snoek CGM, Groen IIA& & Scholte HS& (bioRXiv) Shape-biased learning by thinking inside the box. [pdf, doi

Bartnik CG, Sartzetaki C, Puigseslloses Sanchez A, Molenkamp E, Bommer S, Vuksic N, Groen IIA (bioRXiv) Distinct representation of locomotive action affordances in human behavior, brains and deep neural networks.  [pdf, doi

Sucholutsky I, Muttenthaler L, Weller A, Peng A, Bobu A, Kim B, Love BC, Grant E, Groen IIA, Achterberg J, Tenenbaum JB, Collins KM, Hermann KL, Oktar K, Greff K, Hebart MN, Jacoby N, Zhang Q, Marjieh R, Geirhos R, Chen S, Kornblith S, Rane S, Konkle T, O'Connell TP, Unterthiner T, Lampinen AK, Müller K-R, Toneva M, Griffiths TL (ArXiv). Getting aligned on representational alignment . [pdf, doi

Peer reviewed:


Brands AM, Devore S, Devinsky O, Doyle W, Flinker A, Friedman D, Dugan P, Winawer JA, Groen IIA (2024) Temporal dynamics of short-term neural adaptation across human visual cortex. [pdf, doi] PLoS Comput Biol 20(5): e1012161

Roefs ECA, Schellekens W, Báez-Yáñez MG, Bhogal AA, Groen IIA, van Osch MJP, Siero JCW, Petridou N (2024) The contribution of the vascular architecture and cerebrovascular reactivity to the BOLD signal formation across cortical depth.  [doi] Imaging Neuroscience 

Milne GA, Lisi M, McLean A, Zheng R, Groen IIA, Dekker TM (2024) Perceptual reorganisation from prior knowledge emerges late in childhood. iScience [pdf, doi

Bartnik CG & Groen IIA (2024) Human and deep neural network alignment in navigational affordance perception. ICLR 2024 Workshop on Representational Alignment [pdf]

Müller NM, Scholte HS&, Groen IIA& (2024) Enriching ConvNets with pre-cortical processing enhances alignment with human brain responses. ICLR 2024 Workshop on Representational Alignment [pdf]


Bartnik CG & Groen IIA (2023) Visual perception in the human brain: How the brain perceives and understands real-world scenes. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. [doi, pdf]

Bartnik CG & Groen IIA (2023) Humans and CNNs see differently: Action affordances are represented in scene-selective visual cortex but not CNNs. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN) [pdf

Mller NM, Groen IIA& & Scholte HS& (2023) Pre-training on high quality natural image data reduces DCNN texture bias. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN) [pdf

Brands AM, Devore S, Flinker A, Devinsky O, Doyle W, Winawer JA, Groen IIA (2023) Differences in temporal adaptation across the human visual hierarchy are explained by delayed divisive normalization. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN) [pdf

Yuasa K, Groen IIA, Piantoni G, Montenegro S, Flinker A, Devore S, Devinsky O, Doyle W, Dugan P, Friedman D, Ramsey N, Petridou N, Winawer JA (2023) Precise spatial tuning of visually driven alpha oscillations in human visual cortex. ELife [pdf, doi, dataset]


Groen IIA, Piantoni G, Montenegro S, Flinker A, Devore S, Devinsky O, Doyle W, Dugan P, Friedman D, Ramsey N, Petridou N, Winawer JA (2022) Temporal dynamics of neural responses in human visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 42(40):7562-7580  [pdf, doi, dataset, code

Groen IIA&, Dekker TA&, Knapen T&, Silson EH& (2022) Visuospatial coding as ubiquitous scaffolding for human cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26:1, 81-96 [pdf, doi

van Dijk JA, de Jong MC, Piantoni G, Fracasso A, vanSteensel MJ, Groen IIA, Petridou N, Dumoulin SO (2022) Intracranial recordings show evidence of numerosity tuning in human parietal cortex. PLOS One 17(8): e0272087 [pdf, doi


Silson EH&, Groen IIA&, Baker CI (2021) Direct comparison of category and spatial selectivity in human occipitotemporal cortex. Brain Structure and Function [pdf, doi

Groen IIA&, Silson EH&, Pitcher D, Baker CI (2021) Theta-burst TMS of lateral occipital cortex reduces BOLD responses across category-selective areas in ventral temporal cortex. NeuroImage 230 (2021) 117790 [pdf, doi


Gaglianese A, Branco MP, Groen IIA, Benson NC, Vansteensel MJ, Murray MM, Petridou N, Ramsey NF (2020). Electrocorticography evidence of tactile motion responses in visual cortices. Brain Topography, 33, 559–570 [pdf, doi

Seijdel N, Jahfari S, Groen IIA, Scholte HS (2020) Low-level image statistics in natural scenes influence perceptual decision-making. Scientific Reports 10, 10573 [pdf, doi, dataset


Holdgraf C, Appelhof S, ...., Groen IIA, ...., Hermes D (2019) BIDS-iEEG: extending the brain imaging data structure  specification to human intracranial electrophysiology. Nature Scientific Data 6(1) 102 [pdf, doi, dataset

King ML&, Groen IIA&, Steel AD, Kravitz DJ, Baker CI (2019) Similarity judgments and cortical visual responses reflect different properties of object and scene categories in naturalistic images. NeuroImage 197, 368-382 [pdf, doi, dataset


Groen IIA&, Jahfari S&, Seijdel N, Ghebreab S, Lamme VAF, Scholte HS (2018) Scene complexity modulates degree of feedback activity during object recognition in natural scenes. PLoS Computational Biology 14(12): e1006690 [pdf, doi, dataset

Bankson BB&, Hebart MN&, Groen IIA, Baker CI (2018) The temporal evolution of conceptual object representations revealed through models of behavior, semantics and deep neural networks. NeuroImage 178:172-182 [pdf, doi

Groen IIA, Greene MR, Baldassano C, Fei-Fei L, Beck DM, Baker CI (2018) Distinct contributions of functional and deep neural network features to scene representation in brain and behavior. eLife 2018;7:e32962.  [pdf, doi


Groen IIA, Silson EH, Baker CI (2017) Contributions of low- and high-level properties to neural processing of visual scenes in the human brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372:20160102. [pdf, doi


Malcolm GL, Groen IIA, Baker CI (2016) Making sense of real-world scenes. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20(11), 843-865. [pdf, doi

Harel A, Groen IIA, Kravitz DJ, Deouell LY, Baker CI (2016) The temporal dynamics of scene processing: a multi-faceted EEG investigation. eNeuro 10.1523/ENEURO.0139-16.2016. [pdf, doi

Silson EH, Groen IIA, Kravitz D, Baker CI (2016) Evaluating the correspondence between face-, scene-, and object-selectivity and retinotopic organization within lateral occipitotemporal cortex. Journal of Vision 16(6):14, 1-21.  [pdf, doi

Groen IIA, Ghebreab S, Lamme VAF, Scholte HS (2016) The time course of natural scene perception with reduced attention. Journal of Neurophysiology 115:2, 931-946. [pdf, doi


Ramakrishnan K, Scholte HS, Groen IIA, Smeulders AWM & Ghebreab S (2015) Visual dictionaries as intermediate features in the human brain. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8:168. [pdf, doi


Ramakrishnan K, Groen IIA, Scholte HS, Smeulders AWM, Ghebreab S (2014) Visual dictionaries in the brain: comparing HMAX and BoW.  IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Chengdu, China.  [pdf, doi


Groen IIA, Ghebreab S, Prins H, Lamme VAF, Scholte HS (2013) From image statistics to scene gist: Evoked neural activity reveals transition from low-level natural image structure to scene category. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(48):18813-18824.  [pdf, doi, code

Ramakrishnan K, Groen IIA, Scholte HS, Smeulders AWM, Ghebreab S (2013) Visual word representation in the brain. In: 3rd NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in NeuroImaging (MLINI), Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA. [pdf


Groen IIA, Ghebreab S, Lamme VAF, Scholte HS (2012) Spatially pooled contrast statistics predict neural and perceptual similarity of naturalistic image categories. PLoS Computational Biology 8(10): e1002726.  [pdf, doi

Groen IIA, Ghebreab S, Lamme VAF, Scholte HS (2012) Low-level contrast statistics are diagnostic of invariance of natural textures. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6:34.  [pdf, doi

Barense MD, Groen IIA, Lee ACH, Yeung LK, Brady SM, Gregori M, Kapur N, Bussey TJ, Saksida LM, Henson RNA (2012) Intact memory for irrelevant items impairs perception in amnesia. Neuron 75(1):157-67 [pdf, doi

Winkel JG, Wijnen J, Danielmeijer C, Groen IIA, Derfuss J, Ridderinkhof KR, Forstmann BU (2012) Observed and self-experienced conflict induce similar behavioral and neural adaptation. Social Neuroscience, 7:4, 385-397.  [doi

< 2012

Winkel JG, Wijnen JG, Ridderinkhof KR, Groen IIA, Derrfuss J, Danielmeier C and Forstmann BU (2009) Your conflict matters to me! Behavioral and neural manifestations of control adjustment after self-experienced and observed decision-conflict. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3:57.  [doi]

Non-peer reviewed:

Groen, IIA & Baker, CI (2019) Scenes in the human brain: Comparing 2D versus 3D representations. Neuron 101, 8-10 (Preview) [pdf, doi

Groen IIA & van Velzen (2007) Gezocht: Kosmisch Ontwerper ('Wanted: Cosmic Designer'), literary journal De Gids, Vol. 02, February.

Ramakrishnan K, Groen IIA, Smeulders AWM, Scholte HS, Ghebreab S (2017) Characterization of temporal dynamics of visual object recognition by convolutional neural networks: role of network depth. bioRxiv [pdf, doi