Metaphysical Therapy

What is Metaphysical Therapy?

I would define the word 'therapy' as a specific, evidence-based treatment that is applied with the intention of healing a wound or disorder. A majority of Americans are familiar with therapies prescribed by Western medicine, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychological therapy, etc.

Many are not aware of a burgeoning new class of therapies that have already begun showing drastic and exponential improvements in the mental and emotional states of participants that have opened their minds to give it a chance.

Metaphysical therapy is a holistic approach based on metaphysics and spiritual principles. Not to be confused with religion, spirituality involves one's own personal relationship with a power higher than themselves.

Spirituality versus Religion

I want to clarify the difference between spirituality and religion, because I am not here to preach about God or push any other religious agenda. Religion is the set of beliefs and designated behaviors organized and practiced by a group of people. Spirituality involves ones own personal relationship with a higher power. Many individuals have learned to associate organized religion with negative beliefs, prejudices, and emotions. They avoid exploration of their beliefs.

Metaphysics “is religion without dogma; includes all religions, but transcends them all; does not explore religious beliefs and laws created by man, but rather, it explores the immutable laws of nature, set by The Creator.” (University of Metaphysics, 2021).

I do not involve myself with any institution or organized religion; the only rules I abide by are the Rules For Being Human. Above all…. the golden rule: Harm ye none, but do as thy will.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill. An ye harm none, do what ye will. @iridescentalchemyst

The Wiccan Rede. Photo Credit: Oeuvre of Ashley Marie. Featured on this post on Iridescent Alchemyst

What are Metaphysics?

"Derived from the Greek meta ta physika ('after the things of nature'); referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense perception. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. " (PBS, 2021)

Most dictionaries define metaphysics as the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality. In today’s world, it has become an umbrella term for many fields of interest:

  • Philosophy

  • Parapsychology

  • Spirituality

  • Mysticism

  • Yoga

  • Dream Interpretation

  • Extrasensory Processing (ESP)

  • Astrology

  • Meditation

  • Psychedelic Therapies

  • Jungian Psychology

  • Transpersonal Psychology

  • Theocentric Psychology

  • Self-help studies

  • Positive Thinking & Affirmations

  • Life after Death

  • Paranormal Phenomena

  • Transcendentalism

  • Quantum Theories

  • Reincarnation

More specifically, metaphysics is considered to be the foundation of philosophy and seeks to answer questions like "Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life?"

If you are reading this, it is very likely you are seeking the answers to these and other profound questions. This is a stage in life known as a spiritual awakening. Typically, this stage is often proceeded by major life events or traumas, such as life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, death of a loved one, loss of a job or career, war, pandemics, quarter-life or midlife crises, mental health crises such as clinical depression or anxiety, or even a near-death experience.

This can be a very confusing time and it can be difficult to navigate it on your own. That's where I come in!

Metaphysics can be used to treat almost any condition and is particularly helpful with:

Relationship Problems

Stress and Anxiety

Health Issues

Career and Work-related Situations

Understanding Emotional Reactions

Unlocking Habitual Patterns

Easing the process of spiritual awakening etc.

Feeling lost in the world? Hopeless?

Don't know where to go from here?

Do you struggle with poor self-confidence? Poor Self Esteem?

Do you feel stuck? Frustrated? Alone?

Interested in learning more?

Click the links below for more information about each of the services I offer!

Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of alternative healing also known as Energy Healing, Chakra Alignment, and Attunement through a hands off approach that balances the energy fields within the body. I am certified Usui Reiki working towards certification as an instructor.

Chakra means "wheel" in ancient Sanskrit and refers to the energy centers of the body utilized in a variety of ancient meditation and healing practices. Balancing the chakras allows for self-healing and optimal physical, mental, and spiritual health.

During a spiritual awakening, the process of introspection and self-analysis to integrate your unconscious psyche into your conscious experience in order to heal can be difficult to navigate alone. The imbalance between the light and darkness within each of us is a major contributing factor in developing negative behaviors and thought patterns.

Meditation is a practice that involves the whole body and utilizes special techniques that allow the individual to focus and train awareness to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state of mind. I provide guided meditation in 1:1 or group sessions.

Aromatherapy is a holistic health therapy that uses herbs and essential oils derived from natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. These extracts can be applied topically, diffused into the air, or burned in the form of incense and enhances the benefits of other therapies.

Solfeggio Healing Frequencies and Binaural Beats refer to a group of tones that promote various aspects of mind and body health. This therapy dates back to ancient times and has an increasing body of evidence to support its use.

Healing crystals is a type of alternative therapy that uses the energy and frequency emitted from various gemstones and crystals to harmonize and bring balance to the body and mind. Crystals can be applied during treatment, worn, carried, or infused into elixirs for consumption.

Psychedelic therapy is a technique that incorporates various traditional therapy techniques with the use of psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, DMT, and MDMA for spiritual exploration and the treatment of a variety of mental health and personality disorders.

The position of the planetary bodies by zodiac sign and house at the time of birth offer clues to one's characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, fate, karma, and soul purpose for this incarnation. Current and future planetary positions weighed against the natal chart of an individual can be used to predict life patterns and events. This information provides the client with awareness, insight, and peace to move forward in life with confidence.


The use of numbers to define the natural talents, abilities, and tools one was given at birth, as determined by formulas using the Pythagorean system to provide numerical value to the letters in one's name and one's date of birth. The insights that this information provides allows the client to utilize their strengths and to focus on areas for improvement.


Pendulum dowsing is an amazing way to tap into your intuition and get in touch with your Higher Self for greater clarity and decision-making ability. It can assist you with getting in touch with your own inner wisdom, as well as channeling messages from your Spirit Guides. The Moonstone pendulum is used for divination, and the rose quartz pendulum is used during Reiki energy healings to assist with clearing negative energy.

A tarot reading involves using decks of cards (typically Tarot or Oracle decks) as a means of receiving guidance from the divine realm. Messages are provided based on the cards drawn, their placement in the spread, and the intuition of the reader. These messages provide insight and clarification for the querent. Spreads range from a simple 3 card draw to complex layouts. Available for individuals and couples.

Be the Change

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.  Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky  but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy-- the experiences that makes us the most vulnerable.  Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. Brene Brown @iridescentalchemyst

Brene Brown is an American research professor and lecturer.

Through my own awakening process, I have developed the humility necessary to see and admit my faults, to realize the way in which my behaviors and reactions to the world around me directly contributed to and compounded the negativity around me.

The journey I have taken while researching and writing my book has opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. That wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't started the process of self-reflection at the urging of my graduate school classes, and I am not sure if I would be this far if I were still juggling the over-time full-time job of raising three children on my own.

I regret that I have spent so much time without my children and it hurts to breathe when I think about how I failed them, but I continue to learn and grow.

I am confident that surviving my obstacles and sharing what I learned is how I will be the change I wish to see in the world.

Read my blog post about

My Plan for 'Being The Change'

My Professional Background

I spent 16 years as a Registered Nurse, caring for patients from the birthing suite to the death bed, surgical and acute care and back home again. The positions I enjoyed most were in home care and hospice, because I felt like I was making a huge difference for patients and their families by working with them in their own natural environments. I enjoyed offering more personalized care than I could provide in a hospital setting, and my vast skill set was often put to the test with new and interesting situations to address!

I am knowledgeable and experienced in care management, including medication regimen reviews, traditional therapy services, coordinating amongst care providers from all disciplines, and navigating our fractured health care system. I chose not to reinstate my license as a registered nurse because I have studied and sought certification in a wide-range of divination arts and holistic healing modalities and some fall outside the scope of practice for RNs in Iowa. To review my entire professional work experience, check out my resume!

In addition to my knowledge about the physical human body, intuition and critical thinking skills strengthened throughout my nursing education and career, I have added several psychospiritual and divination tools to my arsenal.

My primary focus and goal is to EMPOWER YOU TO EMPOWER YOURSELF!

How To Get Started

Contact me with any questions you may have regarding my services. If you are interested in scheduling a session, you can fill out my intake form here. The questions on this form will help me to prepare for your first appointment, and gives me information both for intake purposes and for future sessions. Once I have received your form, I will contact you to schedule the appointment. If you have submitted your form and have not heard from me, please contact me right away!

What to Expect...

Once I have received your form, I will contact you to schedule an appointment. I currently work from home, and home is wherever I find myself :) So, I offer my services in the privacy of your own home or in a public venue that allows for privacy. I will gladly accommodate your preference.

Your First Session

If the setting allows, I will prepare the space with incense or essential oils. I will also quietly play healing frequencies. Once we are comfortably seated, I will request a moment of silence. This allows us both to clear our minds and bring our focus to the intent of our meeting.

Our sessions are private and you will have my full attention because I want you to feel heard and understood. We will discuss the issues that are troubling you and the feelings that it brings up, but I will pay special attention to determine any beliefs and patterns that are contributing to the situation.

In order to facilitate new understanding around a problem, I often use a visualization/meditation techniques. I follow a Code of Conduct, but I do not limit myself to any specific teaching or school of thought. This allows me to implement a wide range of counseling skills and techniques at my discretion. I will determine the ideal technique to best suit your needs on that day. Metaphysics is a versatile therapy that allows me to adapt to your changing needs as the sessions develop.

What to Wear

Since the plan for our session can change course depending on your needs, please dress comfortably! Light clothing in layers is best, so you can add or remove layers for comfort. Walking shoes are recommended, especially if the weather is agreeable because "spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being" according to the American Psychological Association (Weir, 2020).

Subsequent Sessions

Our sessions will gradually open your eyes to how intricately the mind, body, and soul work together. We will review the Universal Laws so you can put them into practice and begin transforming your life. At times you may be in touch with your feelings but this is all part of the healing process. If, at any time, you don’t feel comfortable with the questions or inner work, please let me know so we can discuss and determine alternative ways I can still help. My primary goal for each individual session is that you leave me with a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Prices are negotiable, several payment options available

My true motivation for this work is to help people.

The last thing I want is for someone to go without because of financial restrictions.

If you are interested in my services and finances are an issue for you, please let me know!

I am happy to accept free will donation or exchange for services for those that qualify!


Weir, K. (2020). Nurtured by nature. Monitor on Psychology, 51:3, 50. Retrieved on June 26, 2021 from:

PBS. (2021). Metaphysical. Retrieved on June 25, 2021 from: