Ashley Marie's Blog

The Dark Night of the Soul

What is happening? A higher frequency hits a psyche, breaks down the barriers and the hidden content is released. It is absolutely necessary to go through this purificatory process in order to tread the Path. The more repressions and suppressions, the more necessary is the release before progress can be made! We think if we have a good opinion of ourselves, if we wash and paint the surface, then we can cover up what lies deepest inside. But it does not disappear. What we have built in and cultivated through the aeonian past must come out. We cannot cavalierly throw it out and walk on. It has a demand on us. We must stand in the burning. We need to get it behind us, we want the inside of the cup as clean as the outside! We cannot go forward with dead men's bones, corruption, pollution, and other unseemly and unmentionable things..."

Vitvan, The School of Natural Order

Steps In Self Unfoldment, Lessons 8 and 9

From "The Dark Night of the Soul," posted 10/3/2021