
• Contact (1997)

The Current War (2019)

Smith Chart

Maxwell's Equation and Ohm's Law

김충기 카이스트 명예교수

배움이란 - 김충기

배움은 주는 것도 받는 것도 아니고

만남이라는 걸 이제야 안다.

더 받고 싶은 배움에서

더 주고 싶은 배움을 지나

그냥 만나고 싶은 배움이 진짜인줄

살날이 적은 나이 되어서 안다.

만나는 과목마다 소중하며

다시 만나고 싶어지고

전에 스친 과목들 그리워지고

미워했든 과목들도

보고 싶어진다.

미움도 알고 보면 열정이 있음을

알고 보니 사랑이었음을

배우는 모든 과목이 소중한건

배울 날이 적기 때문일까.


Phdcomics (

Succession - Wassily Kandinsky ( 1935 )

Succession - Wassily Kandinsky ( 1935 )

Wassily Kandinsky’s thoughtful explorations and intellectual roots of art, and his search for abstract means to express them, revolutionized art in the early twentieth century. Writing in 1943, Marcel Duchamp saw Kandinsky’s late work as “a clear transfer of thought on canvas.” With this observation, he conveyed his understanding of Kandinsky’s reformulation of pictorial space into a pure white plane upon which hover signs and symbols. By contrast, Kandinsky’s friend Jean Arp saw in his late work an affirmation of life and of growth: “His work is aglow with spiritual reality… Things blossom, sparkle, ripple in his paintings and poems. They speak of old blood and young stones.”

Succession is an example of Kandinsky’s late burst of creative energy. At first glance, the painting recalls Kandinsky’s abiding interest in natural history and scientific drawings – embryos, amoebas, and invertebrates. However, closer inspection reveals fantasy creatures, shapes, and signs that dance along four horizontal fields reminiscent of musical notation.