Call for Contributions

Your contributions

The purpose of the workshop is to identify gaps in the technical emerging work on IR for Climate Impact, including undertheorized and underspecified issues related to each of the four areas of focus. We aim to create actionable technical research agendas for each of them. To this end, we welcome technical contributions and position papers as extended abstracts (2-4 pages) on a wide range of topics related to information retrieval for climate impact, including:

Recent work on very large-scale systematic reviews, such as, on climate language models, such as, and on geolocated literature with climate information such as is obviously relevant.

How to submit

Abstracts submitted to MANILA24 should be in English, in PDF, and formatted using the standard ACM sigconf format (using \documentclass[sigconf, natbib=true, anonymous=false]{acmart}). The review process is single-blind. MANILA24 uses EasyChair to handle submissions:


No official proceedings will be published.Â