Information Retrieval for Climate Impact

A SIGIR 2024 workshop

July 18, 2024 – Washington D.C., USA

Climate change is a far-reaching, global phenomenon that will impact many aspects of our society. The evidence base for observed climate impacts is expanding, and the wider climate literature is growing exponentially. Systematic reviews and systematic maps offer structured ways to collectively identify and describe this evidence while maintaining transparency, attempting to ensure comprehensiveness and reduce bias.


The MANILA24 workshop is part of the SIGIR 2024 workshop program, which will take place on July 18, 2024 in Washington D.C., USA. The primary theme of the MANILA24 workshop is information retrieval for climate impact. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a venue for discussing and compiling a research agenda for information retrieval for climate impact. The IPCC Working Group II (WGII) assesses the impacts of climate change, from a world-wide to a regional view of ecosystems and biodiversity, and of humans and their diverse societies, cultures and settlements. MANILA24 will bring together researchers, applied researchers, and practitioners in climate impact, information retrieval, and systematic reviews to gain a broader understanding of the information retrieval challenges faced in climate impact in general and by the IPCC Working Group II in particular. We aim to foster collaboration, discussion, and create broader awareness in the IR community of the unique challenges posed by the climate impact domain.


The MANILA24 workshop will be a half-day workshop. The emphasis will be on discussion, not simply a mini-conference but the development of a research agenda for IR for climate impact. The workshop will be organized along four themes of interest directly related to IR for climate impact: 


Room: Continental 


08:45-09:00 – Welcome and introduction (Contintal room)

09:00-10:00 – Setting the scene: four keynotes on the problem of IR for Climate Impact (Contintal room)

10:00-10:30 – Lightning talks (Contintal room)

10:30-10:45 – Coffee break

10:45-12:30 – Writing session (on location participants, please go to the Executive lounge)

12:30-12:45 – Reporting back, wrap-up, next steps (Continental room)



Program committee
