Improvement is the process of a thing moving from one state to a state considered to be better, usually by a change or addition that improves. The concept of improvement is important to governments and businesses, as well as to individuals.

The term "improvement" in general means "gradual, piecemeal, but cumulative betterment", which can refer to both individuals and societies as a whole.[1] The term "improvement" historically referred to land improvement, the process of making wildland more suitable for human uses, particularly the cultivation of crops.[2] Agricultural writers contrasted "improvement" with the traditional custom that governed farming practices at the time. The belief in agricultural "improvement" was the belief that the earth could be made more fruitful. More specifically, it was the belief that "the knowledge of nature would allow the best possible use of resources".[3] It emerged in late medieval England and later shaped the colonies of the British Empire, through what Richard Drayton describes as "enlightened imperialism". The British believed "that they ultimately knew better than those on the ground".[4]

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This limited agricultural use of the term changed in the 17th century, when "its metaphoric range was extended to include a host of social and political reforms aimed at growth, development, or perfection".[2] In short order, the term "improvement" became "nothing less than shorthand for the civilizing process",[2][5] and thereafter "played an important role in eighteenth- century European debates over the foundations of social order".[2] Friedrich Nietzsche criticized this concept of "improvement" in his notes published in The Will to Power, asserting that it created a false and self-serving sense of human superiority over nature, and that the "civilizing" of man was actually a "softening".[6]

In the 20th century, the concept of improvement expanded even further. Businesses developed philosophies of having a continual improvement process, wherein all activities of the business are constantly examined to weed out inefficiencies and better ways of carrying out tasks. At the same time, the concept of an individual self-improvement blossomed, leading to "tremendous growth in self-help publishing [and] self-improvement culture",[7] wherein people assessed their lives in much the same way. Home improvement, the process or result of improving the efficiency, livability, or market value of a personal dwelling, has also become a substantial industry.

Your commitment and ability to improve defines your potential which is of interest to anyone who is a customer, employer, stakeholder as like a craftsman his ability to improve represents the marked improvement in his work from one to the next.

Governments often use language proposing an improvement of processes or areas. In some places a business improvement district or tourism improvement district may be incorporated into urban zoning, with the enactment of laws intended to benefit businesses that are established in the area. An improvement trust, a type of legal trust created for the improvement of something, may be settled for the benefit of a municipal area.

The MRSI Program provides grants for freight rail service improvement projects that support economic development in accordance with Minnesota statute. $9.6 million is currently available through the MRSI grant program in FY 2024.

The program can reimburse up to 50 percent of the cost of eligible improvements to a maximum of $10,000 for a single commercial property, or up to $15,000 for a multiple-address or corner business property.

Applicants will be asked to provide basic information about the property, including ownership. Applicants will also be asked to consider what types of improvements they'd like to make, what goals they'd like the improvements to achieve and how much they're able to spend on the projects. Each applicant must upload two photos from different views of the storefront with their application submittal. Permission to participate from the property owner (form) and a refundable deposit of $250 will be collected soon after the application is approved.

The advice and guidance CLIAC provides to HHS pertains to general issues related to improvement in clinical laboratory quality and laboratory medicine practice. In addition, the Committee provides advice and guidance on specific questions related to possible revision of the

CLIA standards.

The Maryland Home Improvement Commission licenses and regulates home improvement contractors and salespersons. Home improvement work includes alteration, remodeling, repair or replacement of a building or part of a building used as a residence. Home improvement also includes work done on individual condominium units. Home improvement does not include work done on commonly owned areas of condominiums or buildings that contain four or more single family units. The Commission investigates complaints by homeowners, awards monetary damages against licensed contractors, and prosecutes violators of the home improvement law and regulations.

Maryland eliminated the subcontractor license category as of July 1, 2016. All application, examination, and renewal requirements have been eliminated. Home improvement subcontractors may work without a license when performing home improvements for an MHIC licensed contractor in the state of Maryland.

The law continues to provide that only MHIC licensed contractors may enter into contracts with homeowners to perform home improvement work. The commission encourages all those who wish to become contractors to apply for the Maryland Home Improvement Commission contractor license.

Schools and districts in Oregon are called upon to engage in continuous improvement work to improve outcomes for students. A continuous improvement process is the process by which districts and schools:

The continuous improvement process results in the development of an ambitious, priority-driven action plan where routine collaboration and decision-making among district leaders is reflected throughout implementation.

School and District Improvement

Continuous improvement whether at the school or district level, is an ongoing, systemic, cyclical process. In this cycle, the results of previous efforts are examined in order to determine where to focus new efforts.

Continuous Improvement ListServ! 

The continuous improvement process provides a powerful mechanism for promoting shifts in educator behaviors that will lead to improved learning for students. Sign up to receive updates on resources, promising practices, workshops and requirements.

The District and School Effectiveness team at the Oregon Department of Education, in partnership with multiple ESDs, provided regional workshops throughout the state focused on The District Continuous Improvement Process. The purpose of these workshops was to support districts in the development and submission of their required district continuous improvement plan.

The program scope includes the improvement of all forest resources including fish and wildlife habitat, and soil and water quality. Cost-share assistance is provided to private and public ownerships containing 20 to 5,000 acres of forest land. Cost-shared activities include:

Exercises afford organizations the opportunity to evaluate capabilities and assess progress toward meeting capability targets in a controlled, low-risk setting. An effective corrective action program develops improvement plans that are dynamic documents, with corrective actions continually monitored and implemented as part of improving preparedness.

These projects validate a prototype wind turbine to determine the commercial readiness of the turbine system. These results are intended to confirm turbine designs or improvements that are ready for certification testing.

Streamlined Procedures: SRIA directs FEMA to streamline HMGP activities and to adopt measures to expedite implementation of the program. FEMA and the states or tribal governments will collaborate to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HMGP by identifying the minimum criteria for complete applications; timeframes for reviewing actions and decisions; phasing projects; industry cost guides for estimates; industry design and construction standards; pre-calculated benefits. These areas present the first phase of our ongoing efforts to seek continuous improvements to HMGP.

The Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP) provides the opportunity for Recognized Neighborhood Associations and Civic Associations to request small-scale permanent physical improvement projects to enhance the quality of life in their neighborhoods. The intent is to facilitate an organized process for residents to have direct input on physical improvements in their neighborhood.

Section 40332 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law authorized DOE to provide $75 million in incentive payments for Section 243: Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentives Program. Owners or operators of existing hydroelectric facilities, including pumped storage hydropower, may apply for funding to make capital improvements that can improve their efficiency by at least 3%.

To guide the City in making necessary physical improvements, the City Charter requires the Planning Commission to annually recommend a six-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to the Board of Estimates. Each year, the Planning Department works with the various City agencies to prepare and present a new six-year program. The first year of the six-year program is the budget year and becomes the basis for the capital component of the Ordinance of Estimates (budget), adopted by City Council. City Council votes to approve the Ordinance of Estimates. New in FY24, City Council can make changes to the Ordinance of Estimates, removing items funded with general funds and redirecting the funds to other priorities. In prior years, Council was only able to remove items from the budget. 0852c4b9a8

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