Key dates and registration

Key dates:

      • Workshop: June 27-30, 2022

      • Abstract submission deadline: June 8, 2022

Note that the number of participants will be limited to 100.


      • Regular fees: 400€

      • Student fees: 200€

      • Virtual attendance fees: 100€ (labelled "video" on the registration site)

      • Option for the excursion (Mer de Glace - Mont Blanc) - no additional fees

The registration is done through the Azur Coloque system:

Instructions for abstract submission

Abstract submission is open until June 8th, 2022.

Abstracts should follow the format of this template (file in MS word, not exceeding 2 Mo, Maximum of 4 pages) and should be sent to André Revil (andre.revil(at) with a copy to altair256(at)

Instructions for oral and poster presentations

      • Oral presentation: to be defined

      • Poster presentation: A0 format