In this issue:

• 2021 IPRA Conference Update• IPRA News • Reports and Articles• Call for Manuscripts • Publications

Previous issues:

Vol 10 No. 2 Apr-Jun 2020Vol 10 No. 1 Jan-Mar 2020Vol 9 No. 4 Sep.-Dec. 2019• Vol 9 No. 3 April-Aug 2019Archived issues

Volume 10 No. 3 • July - September 2020

IPRA Announces Multiple Participation Options for 2021 Conference

Updated Plans to Ensure Participation for All Delegates in the 2021 IPRA Nairobi Conference

An Important Announcement from IPRA Co-Secretary Generals Matt Meyer and Christine AtienoWith unrelenting trends in the coronavirus pandemic, IPRA leaders announce plans to ensure participation for delegates who cannot travel to Nairobi for the IPRA 2021 Conference. To read more, CLICK HERE.


IPRA Panel: Indigenous Perspectives on Contemporary Peacemaking by Matt Meyer, IPRA Co-SGIPRA recently brought together our Indigenous colleagues for the 2020 United Nations International Day of Peace. The web-based gathering evidenced how vibrantly our virtual spaces can resonate with the work being done in all corners of our beautiful, resilient planet... To read more, click HERE.
The Nanjing Peace Forum was sponsored by UNESCO with support from IPRA. See Photo Gallery | Keynote Video

Reports and Articles

John Hallam: Reaffirming Reagan-Gorbachev:'A Nuclear War Cannot be Won and Must Never be Fought'In 1985, and again at a meeting in Geneva in 1987, Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev issued joint declarations that included the worlds 'A Nuclear war Cannot be Won and Must Never be Fought'... Click HERE to read more.
Laeed Zaghlami: Issues and challenges of peace and security in the Middle EastThe Middle East region is one of the most troubled regions in the world. There remain spaces and scenes of wars and more seriously an arena of perpetual conflicts ... Click HERE to read more.
Ravi P Bhatia: Concept of Peace in the time of COVID-19...Today the world is affected by the new menace of the COVID 19 virus. Millions of people the world over have been infected and a large number of fatalities taken place. ... Click HERE to read more. 'Till We Meet Again, 'Kemi' An obituary for Dr. Fadekemi Oyewusi by Christine Atieno
The 10th International Conference of Museums for Peace was held as a global online event, on September 16-20, 2020. The archived Conference Proceedings. include full papers, recorded panels, presentations and poster sessions.
The 2020 No Gun Ri Global Peace Forum will be held as a hybrid event on November 10-12 2020. Free registration to participate is available at

Call for Manuscripts

The Latin American Journal, Peace and Conflict Studies is open to the reception of papers to be published once they have passed the double-blind peer review process. Submission of articles to:

NL Oct20 Brief_Updated.pdf


The International Peace Research Association Foundation (IPRAF) now offers the Senesh Fellowship program in three languages: Spanish, French, and English. For more information see: . The application process opened October 1, 2020.


Ameglio, Pietro. (2020). "Disobedient Peace as a Form of Non-Cooperation With an Inhumane Social Order.,"Peace Science Digest, May 12 2020.
Erazo Acosta E. (2020) "Alli Kawsay: Epistemology and Political Practice in the Territories, a Possibility from the Andean Pluriverse for Ecological Justice and the Care of Mother Nature. In: Brears R. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Carter, Candice C. (Ed.) (2021). Teaching and Learning for Comprehensive Citizenship Global Perspectives on Peace Education. Routledge.
Hilmy, Hanny. (2020). Decolonization, Sovereignty, and Peacekeeping - The United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), 1956–1967, Cham: Springer International Publishing,
ICAN/.GHA (2020) Anti-Nuclear Manifesto for Global Security/Peace XXI. (New York).
Page, James (2020). Philosophy of Peace, in Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,.
Oswald Spring, Úrsula, Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.): Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene (Cham: Springer Internat. Publishing, 2021).
Other recent and featured IPRA book publications are listed HERE.