In this issue:

• 2019 Regional Conferences • SPOTLIGHT ON: Global Network of Women Peacebuilders• SPECIAL REPORT: IPRA Partnership with Ignatius Schools in Kigali, Rwanda• Articles • Project Activity Reports• Publications• Peace Research Grants

Volume 9 Edition • April-August 2019

SPOTLIGHT ON: Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)

GNWP spotlight - IPRA newsletter.pdf

SPECIAL REPORT: IPRA Partnership with Ignatius Schools in Kigali, Rwanda

IPRA NL~Rwanda report.pdf

IPRA United Nations Team Looks to the Youth

IPRA United Nations Team Looks to the Youth.pdf


International Trends in Peace Action and Peace Research: From South to North and into the Future by Prof. Matt MeyerBoth physicists and social scientists now agree that time and space are more fluid, malleable, and subjective constructs than had previously been imagined. Yet, when asked about the proper length of training for a satyagrahi (a devoted practitioner of Gandhian nonviolence), Gujarat Vidyapith Vice Chancellor Narayan Desai paused for a moment,.. To read more, click HERE.
Mankind — Progression or Regression by Dr Ravi P BhatiaThe shape and structure of humankind (men and women) have remained almost the same over the last several millennia except for some small increase in height and a slight change in racial looks. However, the ways modern people live ... To read more, click HERE.

Project Activity Reports

IPRA Administrative Office to Open in Nepal A proposal to open a permanent IPRA secretariat in Nepal was endorsed by the IPRA Executive Committee. To read more, CLICK HERE.
On the 60th Anniversary of PRIOAll of us at the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) are pleased and honored to wish our colleagues at the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) a joyous and successful 60th anniversary. To read more, CLICK HERE.
APPRA Discussion Series: Fostering Peace and Ecological RegenerationThis article, authored by Putri Ariza Kristimanta, a young scholar and APPRA fellow, was published in Pusat Penelitian Politik (Center for Political Studies at Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (P2P-LIPI). To read the report, click HERE.
ICAN Report: Choosing HumanityOn the 74th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, an important publication titled, ‘Choosing humanity’ was issued by ICAN, the Nobel Peace Prize winning international organisation. Launched in Australia on Hiroshima Day, this publication cogently puts the case for Australia and other countries to both sign and ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons. Please see
The “SA9 Campaign” is an initiative to 'second' the Japanese Constitution’s Article 9 in the United National General Assembly. Recently the 2019 SA9 Campaign sent messages to the UN missions, Foreign Ministries, Tokyo Embassies of more than 50 countries, urging them 'second' the Japanese motion in the forthcoming UN General Assembly. Click HERE for details.
IMPACT [Imagining Together Platform for Arts, Culture and Conflict Transformation] is a worldwide, values-driven collaboration to design and activate strategies to strengthen the arts, culture and conflict transformation ecosystem (acct). The acct ecosystem includes individuals and organizations working from local neighborhoods to the international stage creating festivals and crafting policies, documenting practices and developing theories, enlivening communities and building bridges across differences. In this ecosystem, we imagine and embody a more just, more vibrant, less violent world. The 2019 Report on Imagining Together Platform for Arts, Culture and Conflict Transformation (IMPACT) is linked here. Rajesh Sampath on IMPACT Design Lab: Video interview


NEW! Snauwaert, Dale T., ed. Exploring Betty A. Reardon’s Perspective on Peace Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Vol. 20. Springer, 2019. This new book features the work of Betty Reardon, who is a key founder and advisory committee member of the Global Women's Network of Peacebuilders (GWNP, spotlighted HERE). The book was edited by Hans Gunther Brauch with a Foreword by Ursula Oswald Spring.
The International Education for Peace Institute (EFP-International) is pleased announce the availability of all nine published and several training manuals, that together constitute the Education for Peace Integrative Curriculum Series to all readers free of charge. Click HERE for details. Currently available in English, we aim to make these series available in all UN languages, and any other language where civic, governmental and academic institutions will undertake the task of translation. We cordially invite inquiries addressed to Dr. Roshan P. Danesh and H.B. Danesh
Branagan, M. 2018. Locked On!. (ebook) Irene Publishing, (paperback) Lulu.
Bollaert, C. 2019. Reconciliation and Building a Sustainable Peace: Competing Worldviews in South Africa and Beyond. Palgrave MacMillan. This book explores how competing worldviews impact on intergroup relations and building a sustainable peace in culturally diverse societies. It raises the question of what happens in a culturally diverse society when competing values and ways of interpreting reality collide and what this means for peace-building and the goal of reconciliation. This book, therefore, makes an important contribution to what is at best a partially researched topic by providing a deeper understanding of how identity and culture intersect with peace-building when seeking to build a sustainable peace.
Sapp, J. and Cohenn, C. 2019. Let’s Make a Better World: Stories and Songs by Jane Sapp. Brandeis University Press. This book and 7-episode podcast offer peace builders approaches to social transformation rooted in African-American musical traditions. Internationally admired cultural worker, musician, educator, and activist Jane Sapp shares her life story and songs she has written with young people and community leaders. This book inspires and affirms cultural workers, activists, and artists, while its stories, scores, and podcast episodes are practical resources for peacebuilders, educators, chorus leaders, and others engaging communities with music’s power to make a better world.
IPRA Member Publications Other recent and featured IPRA member book publications are listed HERE.

Peace Research Grants

The IPRA Foundation announced the availablity of two research grants to be awarded in 2019. To read more, see: