The latest schedule of the PEM journal club will be posted here. If you need to update the information of your presentation, please contact your PI or the people listed here.

Meeting Schdeule: 

Date:  2023/1/9 Lab: Lai Presenter: Teng-Kuei Huang 

Host: Mao-Sen Liu

Paper title/Talk title: The translocated virulence protein VirD5 causes DNA damage and mutation during Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of yeast

Paper link:

Webex meeting link 

Presentation file 

Date:  2023/02/06 Lab: Ku Presenter: Yu-chi Liu  

Host: Kui-Ting Lin

Paper title/Talk title: Adsorptive exchange of coccolith biominerals facilitates viral infection

Paper link:

Date:  2023/02/20 Lab: Ma Presenter:  Evan John


Paper title/Talk title: A highly polymorphic effector protein promotes fungal virulence through suppression of plant-associated Actinobacteria

Paper link:

Date:  2023/03/06 Lab: Kuo Presenter: Xiao-Hua Yan 

Host: Bing-Jen Chiang from Dr. Wu's Lab

Paper title/Talk title: Commensal Pseudomonas strains facilitate protective response against pathogens in the host plant

Paper link:

Date:  2023/03/20 Lab: Wu Presenter:   Juan Carlos Lopez

Host: Li-Kang Sung from Dr. Lai's Lab

Paper title/Talk title: Evolutionary gain and loss of a plant pattern-recognition receptor for HAMP recognition

Paper link:

Date:  2023/04/17 Lab: Yu Presenter:   Wong Hong-Kin

Host: Jan Yu-Wen (Dr. Yu)

Paper title/Talk title: Cooperative virulence via the collective action of secreted pathogen effectors

Paper link:

Webex meeting link 

Presentation file (Please provide the link to your presentation file as a hyperlink after the meeting, but this is optional )

Date:  2023/5/15 Lab: Lai Presenter: Yung-Hui Wen

Host: (Name of the host, usually from a lab distinct from the presenter )

Paper title/Talk title: Membrane-localized expression, production and assembly of Vibrio parahaemolyticus T3SS2 provides evidence for transertion
Nature Communications volume 14, 2023

Paper link:

Webex meeting link (If the meeting is through webex, please insert the link to the webex meeting as a hyperlink here and provide the password when necessary)

Presentation file (Please provide the link to your presentation file as a hyperlink after the meeting, but this is optional )

Date:  2023/05/29 Lab: Ku Presenter: Hwee Sze Tee  

Host: Hsi-Ching Yen from Kuo's Lab

Paper title/Talk title: Tools of a successful cyanobacterial bloom-former and their genomic divergences

Paper link:

Date:  2023/06/12 Lab: Ma Presenter: Yu-Han Lin

Host: Juan Carlos Lopez from Dr. Wu's laboratory

Paper title/Talk title: Perception of the pathogen-induced peptide RGF7 by the receptor-like kinases RGI4 and RGI5 triggers innate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana

Paper link: 

Date:  2023/06/26 Lab: Kuo Presenter:  Hsin-Ying Chang 

Host: Li-Kang Sung from Lai's lab

Paper title/Talk title: Using Genomes and Evolutionary Analyses to Screen for Host-Specificity and Positive Selection in the Plant Pathogen Xylella fastidiosa

Paper link:

Date:  2023/07/10 Lab: Wu Presenter:   Bing-Jen Chiang

Host: Xiao-Hua Yan from Kuo's lab

Paper title/Talk title: Resurrection of plant disease resistance proteins via helper NLR bioengineering

Paper link:

Date:  2023/7/24 Lab: Lai Presenter: Hagos Mohammedseid Juhar


Paper title/Talk title: A modified Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for two oomycete pathogens

Paper link:

Webex meeting link none

Presentation file (Please provide the link to your presentation file as a hyperlink after the meeting, but this is optional )

Date:  2023/08/07 Lab: Ku Presenter:   Maxime Allioux

Host: Xiao-Hua Yan (Kuo Lab)

Paper title/Talk title: High-resolution metagenomic reconstruction of the freshwater spring bloom

Paper link:

Webex meeting link (If the meeting is through webex, please insert the link to the webex meeting as a hyperlink here and provide the password when necessary)

Presentation file (Please provide the link to your presentation file as a hyperlink after the meeting, but this is optional )

Date:  2023/08/21 Lab: Ma Presenter:   Florensia A. Damei

Host: Ching-Yi Huang (Wu's lab)

Paper title/Talk title: Pathogen Protein Modularity Enables Elaborate Mimicry of a Host Phosphatase 

Paper link: 

Webex meeting link 

Presentation file 

Date:  2023/09/04 Lab: Kuo Presenter:   Hsi-Ching Yen

Host: Li-Kang Sung from Lai's lab

Paper title/Talk title: Gene gain facilitated endosymbiotic evolution of Chlamydiae

Paper link:

Date:  2023/09/18 Lab: Yu Presenter:   Cancelled


Paper title/Talk title: 

Paper link: 

Presentation file (Please provide the link to your presentation file as a hyperlink after the meeting, but this is optional )

Date:  2023/10/02 Lab: Wu Presenter:   Yi-Feng Chen

Host: Xuan Lai from Lai's lab

Paper title/Talk title: Uptake of oomycete RXLR effectors into host cells by clathrin-mediated endocytosis

Paper link:

Date:  2023/10/30 Lab: Lai Presenter:  Yi-Hsuan Hou

Host: (Name of the host, usually from a lab distinct from the presenter )

Paper title/Talk title: Functional diversification of a wild potato immune receptor at its center of origin

Paper link:

Webex meeting link 

Presentation file 

Date:  2023/11/13 Lab: Ku Presenter: Tzu-Tong Kao  

Host: Kai-Wen Chen

Paper title/Talk title: A multi-omic view of morphological and ecological differentiations between the haploid and diploid phases of a calcifying microalga

Paper link: Research progress

Webex meeting link 

Presentation file 

Date:  2023/12/04 Lab: Ma Presenter: CHIBBHI

Host: (Si-Chong )

Paper title/Talk title: Plant cell wall patterning and expansion mediated by protein-peptide-polysaccharide interaction.

Paper link: 

Date:  2023/3/18 Lab: Lai Presenter:   Li-Kang Sung

Host: Sopio Tchabashvili

Paper title/Talk title: Leaf microbiome dysbiosis triggered by T2SS-dependent enzyme secretion from opportunistic Xanthomonas pathogens 

Paper link:

Webex meeting link 

Presentation file (Please provide the link to your presentation file as a hyperlink after the meeting, but this is optional )

(Please keep this one as template)

Date:  2023/xx/xxLab: Presenter:   

Host: (Name of the host, usually from a lab distinct from the presenter )

Paper title/Talk title: (Please paste the title of the paper or the title of your research talk here)

Paper link: (Please provide the link to the journal website for people to download the paper )

Webex meeting link (If the meeting is through webex, please insert the link to the webex meeting as a hyperlink here and provide the password when necessary)

Presentation file (Please provide the link to your presentation file as a hyperlink after the meeting, but this is optional )