7th International Summer School


Integrated Product Development


Hereby we would like to inform all invdividuals that were interested in applying for ipdISS20 Summer School that given that WHO has declared COVID-19 as a world pandemic, the event has been indefinitely postponed to a future date when the situation improves. As one can undersand, health and safety of our participants is of paramount importance. Announcements on new dates for the Summer School will be made in due course, based on WHO recommendations. Thank you for your understanding.

Welcome to ipdISS20

Welcome to the site of the International Summer School on Integrated Product Development that will take place in two European locations: Malta (MT) and Germany (DE). With the industrial world looking at ways of how to overcome increasing demands on product performance and product individualisation, there is an increasing need to exploit product development to cope witht these business challenges. The utilization of IPD concepts and methods leads to products and services that have an overall better performance than those developed in a more traditional way due to the management of the interplay between design, manufacturing, business, and lot of other aspects such as sustainability, as well as their mutual influences. IPD's scientific principles are required to enable forward looking researcher as well as developers to be able to exploit emerging technologies in an effective and beneficial way.


This Summer School is aimed at researchers interested in both understanding and researching the various interrelations between design, manufacturing and business aspects, as well as further aspects from the whole life cycle of products/services. The aim of ipdISS sessions is to provide a platform through which postgraduates working in IPD related fields can sharpen their understanding of current and emerging research issues in this interdisciplinary field. You can get an insight into the benefits of attending this summer school by listening to some testimonials who attended previous IPD summer schools in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. By the end of this two week PhD summer school, participants would have improved their competence and ability to tackle research issues with an engineering and business oriented mind-set. This International Summer School on Integrated Product Development is supported by S.mart (France) and endorsed by the Design Society.

Supported by:

The IPD Summer School is supported by the University of Malta, the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, the Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, CentraleSupélec, S.mart (France) and is an event endorsed by the Design Society.