
Want to help out by becoming a

The International Peer-Counselling Organisation recruits new members at the beginning of every academic year.

Who can join IPCO?

All active students enrolled in the MA of Psychology at ELTE in Clinical & Health or Counselling & Educational specialisations, are eligible to apply to join IPCO during the annual intake period (usually every September). 

Enrich your university experience by gaining counselling practice alongside your studies.

Join our cause to serve the international community  at ELTE ― improving mental health in the student population.

Receive training and supervision from licensed clinical psychologists at the ELTE Counselling Center.

Are you interested to find out more? Click here to download our info brochure.


Get in touch with us

For inquiries and appointments, email us at

Office hours

Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. .