Call for Papers

Regular paper submissions

The call has now closed.

We call for high quality, original and unpublished paper submissions that describe innovative methodologies, clinical applications or clinical validations of computer-assisted intervention (CAI) systems. The submission should fall within the broad areas of interest of CAI covering the following:

  • Surgical data science

  • Machine learning for CAI and surgical robotics

  • Interventional imaging and image fusion

  • Tracking and navigation

  • Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality for CAI

  • Intraoperative visualization, user interfaces and human-computer interaction

  • Surgical workflow, activity and skill analysis

  • Intervention planning and simulation

  • Systems and software

  • Surgical and interventional robotics

  • Evaluation and validation

Detailed instructions for authors are found here and they should be read prior to submission.

All regular paper submissions should be formatted according to the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), with a maximum of 12 pages (single column - approximately 5000 words) including the abstract, tables, references, and figure captions. The abstract should be in a structured format (Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion) and should not exceed 250 words. Full formatting instructions, including the LaTeX template and MS word guidelines, can be found here. We strongly advise using LaTeX.

Authors of regular papers should register an ‘intention to submit’ using Microsoft’s Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) with a paper title and abstract. Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind process. Accepted papers will be transferred to the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS) for further revisions and publication as full paper in the IJCARS IPCAI Special Issue or (if required) in a regular journal issue.

Long abstract submissions

Long abstract submissions are intended to showcase novel ideas, software platforms, or recent breakthroughs in a shorter format compared to regular papers, with limited or preliminary experimental validation. Long abstract submissions should fall within the same areas of interest of CAI as regular papers. Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind process, should be formatted as per regular papers with up to 4 pages in length (1500 words), and submitted using CMT.


Intention to submit deadline (for regular papers): 28 October 11 November 2022

Submission deadline (for regular papers): 4 15 November 2022

Submission deadline (for long abstracts): 13 20 January 2023