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What is Iowa ACHIEVE? 

What is Iowa ACHIEVE?

ACHIEVE is Iowa’s online system to support implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). ACHIEVE is being used statewide by teams of educators, service providers, and families to develop Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). ACHIEVE supports individualized planning by:

What does that mean for me?

ACHIEVE will be home to Early ACCESS and special education records for every learner in Iowa. From the date of referral through graduation, educators, service providers, and families will have real-time access to the documents generated for that specific individual. No longer will teams experience delay in accessing information for a learner who has moved to another district in Iowa; information can be shared and transferred with the click of a button.

Children will transition seamlessly across teams as they age from Early ACCESS services to Special Education, and teams will have the ability to see long-term progress, allowing more informed decisions on what works best for each individual learner.

Through the family portal, parents will have round-the-clock access to their learner's historical information. The family portal will allow parents the ability to view and sign documents electronically, access records for their child as well as view real-time progress on outcomes and goals.

As ACHIEVE is broadened to include accountability and support tools, users will have the ability to monitor professional progress over time and identify challenges or areas of need in order to make continuous improvement so all learners can “achieve” and succeed.